Market Friday: A Walk Around the Shops in Frome.

in Market Friday5 months ago

Gosh it's good to be back in England, particuarly where we are in Somerset. There's some lovely villages and towns, and the old buildings are soooo far away from Australian 'historical' buildings it's not even funny. Frome is only about twenty minutes from us and we needed to do a shop at Sainsbury's, so we decided to walk around the shops.


It's been a long time since I've done a 'market friday' post but then it's a long time since I've gone to interesting shops or markets! I love Frome - it's a 'cool' town, and was even named one of the coolest towns in Britain at one point.

Frome was one of the largest towns in Somerset until the Industrial Revolution, and was larger than Bath from AD 950 until 1650. The town first grew due to the wool and cloth industry; it later diversified into metal-working and printing, although these have declined. The town was enlarged during the 20th century but retains a large number of listed buildings, and most of the centre falls within a conservation area.

Whilst most of the shops we actually went in were charity shops, I did enjoy a lot of window shopping. Aren't these coloured enamel teapots gorgeous? I want, I want! There was also a rather trendy (and expensive) plant shop.

We'd forgotton how hilly England could be as well, so certainly were giving our calves a work out as we walked up the cobbled lanes and past quaint and quirky shops.

Of course, in England you'll always walk past a magic witchey pagany shop somewhere. How cute is the sign for this witchey place?

I thought of my grandson walking past the window of this vintage clothing shop - how cute are these Carhart overalls? In another shop I saw some kids outfits that reminded me of Jarrah when he was little - he used to love knights and swords when he lived here. Of course he was only five so grew out of them.

In the end, we didn't really buy anything - a forest green woolly jumper from the op shop for me, some soft toys for my sister in law's collie to pull apart for 25 p each, and some vegetables from the grocers. I can't believe how cheap aubergines (eggplants) and peppers (capsicum) are here - I guess it's because they come from Spain.

I hope you enjoyed my 'market friday' post in this lovely town. I'm sure there will be plenty more market posts to come as we travel around - damn, I'm loving being away and going to interesting places again!

With Love,


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Welcome back to Blighty! Nice part of the country there. Hope the sun is shining for you today.


Lovely day actually, just went to Glastonbury. A bit cold but so good on top the Tor.

Hey @riverflows, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

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Lovely to see the old place which I appreciate far more now than when I grew up there so many years ago. A lot of effort has gone into giving it a better face particularly trying to keep the town centre alive against the competition of the out-of-town supermarkets. My daily walk to school (and back) was 2 miles, down one hill, up the other.

Gah I love this county. What a nice place to grow up really. I'm getting used to the hills.

I found Glastonbury the same today. So good to see independent shops thriving. Even Boots has gone.

What a great town, its got lots of character. I love a bit of window shopping, I do. I look forward to seeing more of your wonderful travels. Enjoy xxx

Oh I thought of you today, lots of nice window shopping at Glastonbury and an amazing copper beech.

Wow, these little streets and stores are beautiful. It's almost magical. Maybe it's the witch's hat, haha ^^.

"Deadly is the female", I love it!

Ha yes I had to capture that sign. Could be useful for a post one day!

You're also on the go, huh? :)

Oh! I like your travels <3

And your photos of them!

Wish I could meet you for herbal tea at the witchy place

Oh yes. We could park our broomsticks outside.

It's been a while since I was in Frome or Glastonbury although I went to both frequently when I was growing up. Nice to see what they look nowadays.

I see you've used the Wednesdaywalk tag. It's been a while since I've done one of those too. I'm just getting back into Hive after a long break from posting.

Enjoy the rest of your UK trip. I hope it warms up a bit for you.

How lovely these shops!
I bet your calves definitely feel that when having to walk uphill constantly, my knees would punish me if I overdo it. Can speak from experience living uphill when we moved back to Spain :)

I remember in my home town in Holland, we also had these tiny witchery shops, never saw any of these in Budapest or here though. Very cute!

Have fun on all your travels <3

What a nice day out, thank you for sharing!

There's a place called Frome near me, though it's a little different: a ford through a river!
