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RE: Market Friday does the Carwash

I've never seen a car wash that was so bright and airy, with windows all along the way! When I was a child, we always washed our own cars. I didn't have my own car until I was nearly 24 years old. I washed it myself, too. But later on, when life got too busy, I began going to the car wash now and then. The chemicals that are put on the road to de-ice them in winter can be quite damaging to the underside of the car, so it's important to take it to a car wash now and then just to get that properly washed off. Other than that, I don't wash my car very often any more, because I live on a dirt road and my car is covered in dust after one trip in or out from the highway.


That is exactly why I go! I cannot wash the undercarriage of my car, so I let them do it, and then no worries. I wash my car sometimes and I get through the car wash sometimes. I don't have any worthy vices, so I never feel guilty about it. :)

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words! It was good seeing you and I ran over to check out that post! :))

#MarketFriday loves you!

I'd really like to splurge sometime and get my car detailed. It gets so full of dust and dirt! But I wonder how long it would take for it to get filthy again? Hmmm.

On a dirt road? Probably not too long. But, if you were going away for the weekend, yes!

That is exactly why I go! I cannot wash the undercarriage of my car, so I let them do it, and then no worries. I wash my car sometimes and I get through the car wash sometimes. I don't have any worthy vices, so I never feel guilty about it. :)

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words! It was good seeing you and I ran over to check out that post! :))

#MarketFriday loves you!