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RE: Let's Hive Thrifted by Market Friday

I am thankful to Hive Thrifted and thanks to @lizelle for a wonderful idea.
First come, first served, of course... it sold quick!!!
I can't wait for you to sort through your things. What fun!!!
And the tulips are gorgeous.


It is a wonderful idea, isn't it?? I love it and wish it well! A nice side hustle for those that are looking for one.

First come, first serve! It is the only fair way.I was sure it would sell quick, they were beautiful and she will be thrilled when she gets to hold them in her hand! I did sort and donated a lot of things this winter and the last few months. But, it sure brings back some great moments!

The tulips are amazing, but short-lived as we are getting 90s.
I hope your week was awesome and thank you for dropping the link!
Thank you for supporting #MarketFriday!

Let's do some !PIZZa

#MarketFriday loves you!

I'm so glad but not surprised at the quick sale, those were gorgeous earrings @silversaver888 🌻