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RE: Market Friday : Fishing Around for Tackle

in Market Friday11 months ago

On every shopping I do fact finding mission and in search of a quality product I wander from one store to another. Things are getting so much price these days.
This is my entry for #Marketfriday


I think we have to do the fact-finding mission on things that we don't buy on a regular basis. We can no longer assume we are getting quality for our money. We don't even get quality when we overpay for some things!

Crazy, isn't it? The prices have gone up so much over the last couple of years. They are outpricing themselves and pretty soon. I have to wonder when it will all stop. Thank you for supporting the challenge!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping the link!

Have a wonderful weekend! 💜

#MarketFriday loves you!


Not just poor but elite class is also facing this inflation problem and belt of inflation is getting tight with each coming day.

Absolutely true!! I was going to use the same elite term, but didntvwant you to think I was a snob. Every day that belt cinches tighter. That is a perfect term!

I hope you are having a great day!