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RE: Market Friday : Fishing Around for Tackle

in Market Friday11 months ago

I think I can honestly say I never broke a fishing rod
I think the family knew from the first time we went fishing as a family it was not my thing I remember my mum saying to me many times I was always different tot he rest of the family always on the go even from a very young age, I remember when she passed away my sister scanned and sent to me pages from her little black book, which we never knew she had where she jotted down notes about her life and us kids, lets just say the pages about me were hilarious, infact thinking about it I just skim read some it it now

Dang I was a nightmare, LOL when I was maybe 18 Months my dad took a week off and dropped mum off with family so she could get some rest for a week, I barely slept and was always alert and I guess craving attention and they mum was worried if she didnt get a break she would break down

then another note Dreading when John (dang I hate that name LOL) starts walking I can barely keep up with him crawling, so different from his siblings always alert and watching everything around him and wanting to explore everywhere

But i digress back to fishing, Nope its not going to happen LOL


How fun that would be to read back on my mothers' words now. I am sure she never kept a journal, or at least I never saw one. I would love to know what she thought about some events in our life! :)

You sound like you really gave your mother a run for her money, even at 18 months old. Some things never change! :)

Ah well, fishing is nice if you have a mind to relax and chat with friends. Besides, I like to catch what I will be eating. There is something gratifying about that.

Lol yeah it truly is a treasure I have the photos saved in multiple places of her journal so I never loose it

But I should say she said nice things about me as well I wasn’t all bad lol 😂

I'm sorry. I think I may need proof of that. 😂

Being me I like keeping it hidden and a mystery LOL