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RE: Market Friday Part II Bar Harbor

in Market Friday2 years ago

Ohh I want to visit there in general but that restaurant for sure it has such an awesome style and feel to it both inside and out

Here is my post for this week


Doesn't that look like a fun sort of place? It looks like it was originally a church with sll the stained glass! A lionel yrain thar chugs along... and a the retro fun. I think that you would have a fun time there and I hope that someday you do get the time and the chance to make a trip. With Acadia National Park there oh, I think that you would have an amazing time. Thanks so much for stopping by and dropping your link.

#MarketFriday loves you!

It does sound such fun, I have been to a restaurant somewhere before with a train running around part of it, I was fascinated by it

I know I would love it there and one day will :)

Have a great day

There is a place in Prague that has a model train deliver food and even the bill! I wonder if it is still there?

There was a place in Illinois called the Choo Choo Cafe that had your food delivered by train. It was pretty cool, although the building was nondescript, it was owned by my BIL neighbor. Anyway, she passed away in 2020 (I think that was the year ) and I am not sure her family has opened it back up, covid and no experience. It was pretty fun, and unique, so I hope they do!

It is a real shocker the first time you are served by a train, but pretty cool that they even blow the horn for you! :)

Have a great weekend!

Ohh yes I had forgotten that and and I have been to that one in Prague years ago it was amazing now I am wondering if its still there

Would be great if they open that Choo Choo Cafe again sometime

I'm going to check with someone that I know lives there. I'm curious too!

do let me know if you find out anything I m curious now

PS I went into the General store I shared in My Market Friday post this morning it was pretty cool to see