Market Friday Amidst Covid 19

in Market Friday4 years ago

Market used to be busy with lots of noise and activity prior Covid 19. The pandemic has scared all the crowd away. Yet i was amazed by the number of people at the market place today when i went there. The Sunyani market has been divided into different sections to moderate the peak attendance to the market as it can get overcrowded easily. Today, we needed some plantain and we had to get it from the market.

My sister and I at the Market.

The new market site is a sports stadium. It has been turned into a place for traders for the mean time tto reduce overcrowding. At this market, one will get mostly perishable food stuffs such as yam, onion, cassava, plantain and many more of those family of food stuff. Below are some pictures of traders.

Most of the markets women are following the precautions set by the government to combat the Covid 19 whilst a few are not conforming to the rules. Though it is punishable by the law not to go out without wearing a nose mask, i saw many people without one on at the market. Some were traders whiles others were buyers. My sister and i on the other hand tried as much as possible to buy from only those conforming to the rules set by the Government.

You can see to the left are laborers who help carry bought food items for buyers whilest on the right is a trader trying to set up her umbrella. The sun was scorchy though but we managed to get all that we came for.

Seeing these pear reminds me of the pear tree we have in the house. You can clearly see the market woman having nose mask but not using it. I think we are a bit reluctant to use the safety tools. Ghanaians are undermining the disease and i pray it doesnt take us by a surprise.


I hope you enjoyed my entry of #market friday started by @dswigle. You can join this fun program every Friday by compiling beautiful pictures of your travels to the market and making a story out of it.


How fun to see the selfie of you and your sister! Your pictures are great and the post was awesome and really quite informative. I do love going to the Ghananian markets, especially the ones that specialize in those giant yams! I have never seen any the size of the ones from Ghana!

I applaud your government for setting up the parameters within the stadium. The normal markets are crazy busy and this is a well thought out plan that probably has saved countless lives. What I don't understand is the no mask mentality of some people. It is a no brainer. I have to say that it is not there alone, people the world over are going without masks. But, what they don't realize is it is not all about them.

Anyway, I loved your post and I want to thank you so much for supporting the challenge!

Thank you for joining!!!

You know how much fun it is to have you here at the challenge! It is always a pleasure to see you join #MarketFriday. Every week, it seems to grow in size, giving us new places to explore. Because of you and people like yourself, #MarketFriday has become successful. I am sure there are many times that much effort goes into putting these posts together. So much effort, so little time. There is a certain sense of warmth in my heart, and it is that of being thankful. I can’t thank you enough for being part of the challenge.

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

How to Participate:
Go to the market! Any market will do! Food, Clothing, Plant, or Animal, if you wish. You can go to the zoo, an art auction, and restaurants. Anywhere or anything that you pay money for a service.
Take pictures! Be creative! It’s fun!
Tell us a little bit about the market, what brought you here?
Post the picture(s)
Don’t forget to use the MarketFriday Community to post from or hashtag it! #MarketFriday by @dswigle If you hashtag it, drop the link to your post here so I can easily find them

#MarketFriday loves you!

Upped and reposted

!tip .20

Nice having you on my blog. Thanks to the government, there are new laws that is going to be used to enforce the wearing of mask. Any individual caught outside without a mask is going to be fined or sent to prison. Thanks ones again for going through my blog. I have always wanted to share my market time here but i hadly get to do it. From now i have come to stay.

That's awesome! And I am happy to have you! Just so you know, it does not have to be a traditional Market, but anywhere that you spend money for a service. I have gone to museums and local hairdressers and once I even stopped in a barbershop. I get to stretch otherwise we would run out of things to show. Thank you so much again. Have a wonderful week ahead. Stay safe out there!

Thanks. Stay safe yourself

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