A very pleasant day

in Market Fridaylast year (edited)

How was your weekend? Here in Seabrook- Melbourne, it was a beautiful autumn Saturday, and the weather was so nice that it seemed almost impossible to stay indoors. I came to pick Roy boy to go for a walk. Oh my boy, Roy looks like a new man with new hair cut, always pretty boy. I mentioned in my previous post that Mrs Shep is unable to take Roy to the dog wash or walk him. They called dog-moto come to their home to wash, cut and clip Roy's hair as well as trim his nails. Spoilt boy and now he proudly sports his new look 😍





May this new month bring you joy and happiness :) Happy HPUD all Hivers !! While I don't really post much like before, I do power up a few hundred to a thousand a month to hit 20k.

We walked around the local area and they both were very happy. Roy boy just wanted to keep walking. Must be his new hair make him feel so free, hahaha.

Normal super jealous Jetti
doesn't like other dog interacting with her people; however she seemed a little bit more accepting Roy today. We had a pic together- could this be the start of the new doggo friendship.


Roy boy and I returned home after a tiring walk that ended in a nearby park. After a couple of hours of resting, we decided to drive to St Albans. This place has recently been added to my list of favorite places to go for delicious Vietnamese dishes.


As you walk through the streets, you will notice the abundance of Vietnamese grocery stores, bakeries, cafes and restaurants.

I feel right at home and can find all shopping, everything and the foods from traditional favorites such as pho and spring rolls, banh my, meat vermicelli bowls to street foods. As long as it keeps me and my stomach happy, I don't mind driving here once a week. 😄


I wanted to take Jet here so she can learn about her Mom's community 😃. There was the local community festival that was taking place while we were there so we went over to check it out.


We could hear the music, smell the food, and see people bustling about with joyous energy. Many gathered around to watch a spectacular display of traditional Indian dancing.



A monk offered us to do a Blessing for Jet, must be her lucky day !! So it was. She was blessed to bring good health and wealth to her and her family. Again, lucky girl haha why couldn't I get blessed lol.

There are not only dogs at the festival, but also cats, chickens, goats, and ducks, to name a few, since there is a mini farm. Ironically, right where the Buddhist blessed the dogs was in front of the mini farm. Hence, all of them got " Blessing" ❤️



As St Albans is a very simple Melbourne western suburb influenced by Vietnamese. This festival that we stumbled upon was not race specific. I'm not a religious person; however, there is a heavy Buddism to the festival. I didn't feel religious. We heard the MC state Buddhism isn't biased of race or of religion and welcomes all people and animals. There were Vietnamese people there but also Indian cultural dance displays and music. There were many other multicultural displays and people attending the festival. We were glad to be there!!



Before heading home, I wanted to buy some persimmon fruit but wasn't able find it at Coles or Woolworths so I visited St Albans market. This is my first time shopping in the supermarket. It was quiet busy and noisy 😃 There was one man who stood out from the crowd yelling loudly: “banana 1 dollar” “banana 1 dollar” “banana 1 dollar” “banana 1 dollar” “banana 1 dollar” “banana 1 dollar”..... (the post could reach 1000 words if I continue to write "banana 1 dollar..." lol)



It reminded me of the hustle and bustle of a typical markets in Vietnam where people often go to buy fresh produce, clothes, and more. The places are filled with the sound of people shouting, bargaining and haggling for goods. 😁


It's quiet cheap
Perminson 5.99 USD/kg
Grade 2.99 USD/kg
Melon 3 AUD per fruit ( 2 for 5 AUD)
Caps: 3.99/ kg

Forgot to mention, we got some bubbles for Jet, and she loved it :) I played bubbles with Jetti; yes, you heard me right; bubbles 2 dollars bubbles 2 dollars, bubbles 2 dollars, bubbles 2 dollars! Not only is she entertained by chasing after the bubbles, but she also wants to eat every single one of them. 😃 More exercises for my 70-year old girl




Jetti looked like a scared pup on roller skates, lol. I just bought what I want then we went to my favorite Vietnamese restaurant to indulge in some delicious Vietnamese foods.





The price is very good, 15 AUD each of dish. ( seafood porridge, beef dish, grilled pork vermicelli noodle, spicy hue noodle)

There are many restaurants which offer this type of food, but few can truly be considered authentic. Chef Bak is one of them and I highly recommend if you want to taste delicious flavors of Vietnamese cuisine in Melbourne.I had the pleasure of eating some home foods that I was craving for. I left feeling satisfied- happy tummy happy girl !!!

This is for #marketfriday hosted by Sweetie @dswigle Whether you pay for any service, food, or just daily shopping, let's share them on community and don't forget to check out the rules 🙂

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. I really appreciated it and hope to read about your day or local market experience.



A very pleasant day indeed :) I can literally feel from your posts how happy you are in Australia and I´m happy for you! But this day for big for Jet as well, she was the one who got the blessing :D Adorable.

So jealous, the market is so cheap. I guess 1 dollar banana meaning 1 dollar per 1kg of banana right?

Yes dear, $1 per kg. I just drove to St Albans this morning again 😂 I had a coffee $4 a.d ninh hoa bun cha ca $13 😅. Everything here is cheap. If you stayed around, I could take you to St Albans every week. ❤


yumyum that would be awesome girl

St Albans!
I could not help but laugh reading this thinking of the St Albans in the UK.
A totally different place to the one you visited!

The dogs look great, as for Roy he looks all dapper with his new look, perhaps that is why Jetti did not mind him this time!

perhaps that is why Jetti did not mind him this time!

Haha true !!

There may not many Vietnamese communities in the UK, I think. Here I see my people everywhere, so I feel right at home 🙂

Trang, what a great post. I had the thought that you were in Vietnam in one of the pictures then I had to remind myself that you are in Australia. That was so fun that you got to go to a place that has such a strong Vietnamese influence.

I tried Vietnamese food once and I liked it.. Seems like your dog doesn't want to share attention with others hehe..but he looks cute...
Glad you have good weather there. It''s only today that I saw the blur skies and white clouds. It was always grey skies in the past weeks, and I guess months.

Thanks Jane, what dish did you try? glad you liked it. I don't really miss hometown lol but food and beach!! it's getting cold and grey as winter coming :)

The pineapple fried rice with some seafood and pork floss.. It tastes weird in the beginning , but eventually liked the taste 😊

@tipu curate

Roy and Jet are so kute 😍

They are ❤️

All surroundings are neat and clean.All the scenery are still waiting for your arrival.

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Thank you for your sponsoring my charity ride!

My pleasure anh, and all the best to your riding !!!

What a great Friday at that festival with all the little animals, great fun. Thanks for sharing