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RE: Market Friday : Fishing Around for Tackle

in Market Friday11 months ago

The Cabela's store looks so huge and had an endless list of items, it much be a big store.

First I'll like to say a happy birthday to the person you want to get the fishing rod for.

I can relate to expecting store workers to know much about what they're selling, than it going the other way round, just like how you experience knowing more than some of the staff in the other store you went.

I must say, that you're indeed lucky to have fishing rod made and customise just for you.

Here is my entry for this week.


Thank you! I will pass on your Happy Birthday wishes!

The store is massive, as they all are. Sometimes, it is too big to go into all the time. Too many things to go through while trying to run in and get one item. I still like smaller, more personal stores. It is a little odd to know more than the salesperson, especially as my knowledge is somewhat limited on some things.

I know I am lucky. Let me say that my brothers had a couple made for me because it is a family business and we only pay the cost of it to the business. Still, I am lucky as I have a couple of them. But, to be fair, I have also fished with a tree branch and fishing line. We were camping at my uncles' cabin and didn't have a pole with us! Still fun!!! :)

I didn't find one there and have decided to go the sure route, with family back home owning a shop that custom makes fishing rods, I will give him a card from there and they will take good care of him. Rather than have it made for him, he can let them customize it so that it will be perfect. It's not that I am fussy, it's just that if I can have it made for him for less. why not? I really hadn't thought about it, but, it makes better sense. And the love put into it!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping the link!

Have a wonderful weekend! 💜

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