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RE: Market Friday: Passage Shopping Gallery

in Market Friday2 years ago

In the middle of the nineteenth century this gallery looked almost as it does now.

Then the maintainers are very good in preserving the interior of this narrow passage building, while also modernizing it over time. This building is an architectural art. Hopefully they will preserve it for many more centuries.

The central hall is not even really a hall, it looks like a covered street.

Which is one of the unique and special features of this building. And also the look and the detailed design of the wall and of the staircase boundaries. Many modern buildings has much more simple looks. Most of the old buildings are much more detailed than the new, modern buildings.

I went down the central staircase. On the wide stairwells found a place for a store selling fabrics, souvenirs, and funny dolls.

Furries. I like both the eagle-headed human doll, and also the deer-headed human doll.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.


There are no useful items in this store for me, but these beautiful interiors are so nice to stroll through! Thank you so much! Have a great weekend!