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RE: Entre ruidos y depredadores | Saltamontes raptores de la familia Tettigoniidae

in StemSocial10 months ago

I don't always have the time to read your posts thoroughly, but when I do I am always richly rewarded.

This insect is most interesting. At first I found it quite attractive. Then, as I read about how its physiognomy is designed for predation, the creature became less 'cute'.

Fascinating design. Nature always surprises and amazes me.

Great article, also written with a bit of a poetic flair 🌻

Hope you are well and summer is treating you kindly, @abneagro


Yes, these insects are good predators, but the best hunters are praying mantises or dragonflies from my point of view, even so, these grasshoppers have interesting things, they can even look like toys because of their colors and the shape of the eyes, that was the funniest thing when I saw them 😄. Thank you very much for your nice visit @agmoore, around my country the weather is very altered, because sometimes it is terribly hot and a few hours later heavy rains start, then the process repeats almost every day.