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RE: New electrolyte puts sodium batteries on the horizon

in StemSocial2 years ago

This sounds feasible. I know next to nothing about chemistry and yet your discussion made sense to me. What I kept thinking about was the relative environmental impact. I know I've read before about the cost (environmentally) of mining material for batteries. This is the downside of renewable energy. Here's an article that talks about the cost, human and environmental, of mining cobalt.

How does a sodium battery stack up against this? It's less rare, but does that mean it is lost costly (in environmental and human terms) to extract. And also, is there a disposal issue?

Thanks. Great article.


Certainly the extraction of metals for batteries has had a very high environmental and human cost, especially lithium and cobalt, so they are looking for more sustainable alternatives, this is the point in favor of sodium, it is more abundant and geographically more available, which means less environmental impact and lower cost, Let's remember that common salt is extracted from seawater, which contains sodium, however, its long-term environmental impact should be evaluated, since like any other human activity it has an impact on the environment, especially what its disposal implies at the end of its useful life.