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RE: Citizen science on Hive - Deciphering top quark production at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider

in StemSocial2 years ago

Hello @lemouth, and all citizen scientists who are participating in this project. I haven't been commenting on the posts because I feel bad about not being able to participate, but there is no way I could fulfill the requirements. The computer code is dizzying for me. However, I find these reports and the concept exciting.

I think this project represents the best we can expect from a decentralized, community project with global reach. The project is visionary and the participants are pioneers, in the truest sense of the word.

Congratulations to everyone who is making this a reality. I consider myself a passive participant 🌟

 2 years ago  

Please do not feel bad. Having support (and comments and encouragement) from non-participants is also great.

I think this project represents the best we can expect from a decentralized, community project with global reach. The project is visionary and the participants are pioneers, in the truest sense of the word.

I hope so. Let's see where it leads us! For now, the feedback is at least super positive! :)