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RE: STEMsocial Distilled - A second Omicron edition...

in StemSocial2 years ago

I missed these. Thank you, @lemouth! I have never been tempted to fast (I have Sicilian heritage and we appreciate food) so that article didn't attract my attention. However the others, especially the birds and the article on motion look fascinating. As always, Distilled calls attention to articles that might otherwise be missed. I will surely catch up on my reading today.

I hope the little 'excited' one returns to a calm state and the whole family settles down to a condition of health.

 2 years ago  

As a followup, everyone has now been tested negative, and we will all go back to a normal life tomorrow.

Homeschooling was definitely very stressful for me, as I have an important application to finalise by the end of the week and this takes a significant amount of time...