Massification of native microorganisms

in StemSociallast year (edited)
Dear readers, as we have mentioned in different articles the microorganisms present in the soils of natural ecosystems fulfill an ecological function that allows maintaining the balance of the soils, these microbes can be known as indigenous or native microorganisms, essential in agricultural systems for the aforementioned.

In that sense, making organic products containing native microorganisms becomes an efficient alternative for the agricultural environment, since, it would be introducing microorganisms that have developed in the soil and climate conditions present in ecosystems, the application of this type of alternative can help to recover ecosystems in the medium and long term, since, the microbial activity of soil biodiversity can be maintained or increased, which contributes to improving the health of soils with the decomposition of organic matter, which ensures a good production with adequate yield and quality.

Next, the methodology for the elaboration of an organic product known as native microorganisms is shared, let's start by pointing out the materials that are needed for its elaboration.


  • 4 liters of molasses.
  • 4 liter of unpasteurized bovine milk.
  • 1 barrel or 200 L pipe or, failing that, a smaller capacity
  • 30 kilos of rice husk
  • 15 kilos of forest leaf litter
For the preparation of native microorganisms, you can follow the following methodology
  • Collection of the native strains of microorganisms
These strains are collected in a forest of virgin soils, in which dozens of colonies of microorganisms can be obtained under trees, especially in the leaves and the adjacent ones, in which we use a scale, shovel and bags for their collection. Therefore, native strains of microbes present in the natural ecosystem of the geographical area where we are will be used.

  • Production and preparation of solid native microorganisms.
For the elaboration of the native microorganisms, the methodology used by Hernandez and Montilva (2014) will be used, the elaboration is described below:

The preparation of the solid fermentation of native microorganisms will be carried out with the following quantities as follows, 15 kilograms of forest soil (leaf litter), 30 kg of semolina or rice husk, 4 liters of honey or molasses dissolved in 16 liters of chlorine-free water, 4 liters of whey or unpasteurized milk.

The materials will be mixed in the following order; first the leaf litter is placed and mixed with the rice husk, then the honey or molasses already dissolved in the water is incorporated and then the 4 liters of unpasteurized milk are added, kneading continues until homogeneity is achieved and it meets the fist test, which consists of taking a sample of the preparation by hand and squeezing it until it compacts and does not crumble easily.

To finish, the mixture is placed in the 200 liter pipe or different smaller capacity containers, pressed with something heavy or a person with their feet to get the most oxygen out since, it is an anaerobic fermentation and wrapping it in black bags to prevent the entry of air and left to ferment for 15 days.

With the mentioned in the previous method a solid product is obtained where the microorganisms massify, but also through that product another liquid product that is easier to apply can be obtained, to obtain the liquid 10 kilograms of matrix mixture of native microorganisms is placed, these wrapped in a piece of cloth, then they will be immersed in a mixture of 2 L molasses, 2 L of milk and 64 L of chlorine-free water for 48 hours. From there we will have a solution with the presence of microorganisms that can be applied with a sprinkler directly to the soil on the planted surfaces.

Dear readers, laboratory analyses are performed on this type of products to determine their quality. A chemical and microbiological analysis can be performed, which will ensure that the product to be applied has the appropriate characteristics to improve soil fertility and therefore agricultural production.

Thank you for reading our article, until a next installment.

Bibliographic references
  • Montilva, M. and Hernández H. (2014). Effect of molasses accelerators and native efficient microorganisms on the decomposition of compost based on Arva plants. Degree work. Agricultural production engineering. National Experimental University South of the Lake.

  • Hernández, H. (2017). Influence of native microorganisms on the physiological development of zea mays in agroecological conditions of the south of the lake. Master's thesis in agroecology and endogenous development. University of Matanzas.


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