Hearing loss some kind of pandemic?

in StemSociallast year

Hearing loss is a problem that affects millions of people around the world, and it can be a traumatic experience for those who suffer from it, although some do not even realize it. Have you ever talked to people who tend to speak very loudly? It is quite likely that this person has some degree of hearing loss, and because they cannot hear themselves well, they tend to speak louder.

Hearing loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including aging, exposure to excessive noise (this cause is very common today), injury, illness and medications. In many cases, hearing loss can be temporary and can be treated, but in other cases, it can be permanent. And whether it's temporary or not, it's still a big problem.

In this publication I want to share with you important information that is necessary to know to avoid suffering from what is so common but not much talked about, such as *hearing loss, so I invite you to keep reading because I am sure you will be interested in what I want to tell you.

Pixabay/ Author: bohed

According to the WHO By 2050, it is projected that almost 2.5 billion people will have some degree of hearing loss and at least 700 million will require hearing rehabilitation. This is a truly alarming figure, and I do not think it is something that should be put aside, on the contrary, education in this regard is necessary.

My intention with this publication is not precisely to describe the anatomy of the ear or how it captures sound (this could be the subject of another publication), rather I would like to point out the main causes of this serious problem, to be aware of this and avoid it, because it is the way in which we can take care of ourselves, and also our relatives. There are many different causes that can contribute to hearing loss or deafness, but the most common are:

  • Aging: Over time, the ears can naturally deteriorate, which can cause a decrease in the ability to hear. This age-associated hearing loss is known as presbycusis.

  • Exposure to excessive noise: Prolonged exposure to loud noises, such as those found in concerts, workshops and other noisy environments, can damage the ears and cause hearing loss. This is a common occurrence, especially for those living in cities, where noise pollution is a "normal" occurrence.

  • Injuries: Injuries to the head or ear, including noise injuries and sports injuries, can damage the ears and cause hearing loss. Here it is important to note the use of items that are not at all recommended to "clean the ears".

  • Diseases: Some diseases, such as meningitis and Meniere's disease, can damage the ears and cause hearing loss.

  • Medications: Some medications, such as antibiotics, can damage the ears and cause temporary or permanent hearing loss. The aminoglycoside family (Amikacin, gentamicin, tobramycin, among others) are highly ototoxic.

  • Genetics: In some cases, hearing loss can be hereditary and may be caused by a genetic mutation.

  • Inner Ear Diseases: Some diseases, such as otosclerosis, can cause hearing loss by affecting the inner ear. Remembering that the inner ear is the one that processes the information and sends it to the brain for processing.

Pixabay/ Author: 472301

It is important to note (and so I will repeat it), in some cases, hearing loss or deafness may be temporary and treatable, while in other cases, it may be permanent and cannot be treated. cure.

Hearing loss can have a significant impact on many aspects of life, including social, psychological and physical well-being. Some of the complications that can occur are:

  • Social: Hearing loss can isolate people from loved ones and friends, as they may have difficulty communicating and participating in social activities. They may also feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about their hearing loss.

  • Psychological: Hearing loss can cause anxiety, stress, depression and low self-esteem. People with hearing loss may feel frustrated or left out, which can negatively affect their emotional well-being.

  • Physical: Hearing loss can cause fatigue, headaches, and other physical problems related to the effort to listen and understand. People with hearing loss may also have problems with balance and coordination, which can increase the risk of falls and injuries.

  • Work: Hearing loss can affect people's ability to do their job, which can have a negative impact on their safety and ability to earn a living.

  • Educational: Hearing loss can interfere with a child's ability to learn in school and participate in educational activities.

I am well aware that people with hearing disabilities can currently lead a fairly normal life, however, it does not make sense that having our senses fully developed and in good condition, we harm them, harming our lives.

Pixabay/ Author: Mimzy

You need to know that for those who experience hearing loss, there are a number of treatment options available. However, the best, ideal and logical thing is to take care of our ears, which, like our eyes, are very delicate.
Among the options available for treatment are the following:

  • Hearing aids: Hearing aids are the most common treatment for hearing loss. These include hearing aids, cochlear implants, and other devices that can improve hearing and reduce reliance on visual cues.

  • Surgery: In some cases, hearing loss can be treated by surgery, such as the placement of a cochlear implant or the repair of ear structures.

  • Therapy: Therapy can help people improve their ability to communicate and adjust to hearing loss. This includes listening therapy, speech therapy, and social skills therapy.

  • Technical Assistance: There are devices and technologies available to improve communication, such as personal amplification systems, sign communication systems, and mobile phone applications designed for people with hearing loss.

  • Education and support: Education and support can be very helpful for people with hearing loss and their loved ones. This includes education about hearing loss and its treatments, as well as emotional support and access to supportive resources and services.

Additionally, it is important that those with hearing loss receive support and understanding from loved ones and colleagues. Clear communication and patience can go a long way for those with hearing loss, and can help prevent frustration and social isolation.

I am talking about this right now because I have seen that it is something that is rarely talked about, but the number of people who are going through this is increasing. Especially due to the use of headphones at very high volume and workers of some companies in which the appropriate measures are not used to care for the ears of the workers.

I hope you never have to go through any affectation in your hearing system, if I have failed to mention something in particular, or if you want to share an experience in this regard, you can leave it in the comments and so we all benefit.


Maybe it's all the clubbing!

That may also have an influence, of course, it cannot be denied that in these distracting spaces noise is always present

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