Gender Discrimination

in StemSociallast month


Hello StemSocial Community! Welcome to my blog. Gender is the most overrated subject nowadays either on social media or on practical life. People need Special Education and Awareness about it. It is not the tool to measure someone capabilities and distinction in Social Norms. Sadly, people are getting too much possession about it. People's perceptions like one man can work more effectively than one woman is totally wrong.

What is Gender?

Gender refers to Masculinity or Feminity while Sex is the collection of some biological and Physiological Characteristics that differentiate between Genders. A man can be Male, Female or Neutral in Gender. Every gender has its own special advantages and disadvantages in our Society. It's every pros and cons have strong influence in our Society.

Scientific Aspects about Gender

Man has 46 chromosomes. 1 Pair is sex chromosomes while 22 Pairs are autosomes. Autosomes comprises of Genes that helped in formulation of traits like eye colour, intelligence, skin colour etc While Sex Chromosomes are involved in the sex determination. all autosomes are same in number in both male and female. A male Gender has XY pair of sex chromosomes while female has XX pair of sex chromosomes. X is larger chromosome with more number of Genes as compared to Y Chromosome that has SRY gene that is involved in male development. Here nature has provided Gender Advantages and Disadvantages as well. Female with more number of Genes is dominant here on Male. But one thing should be clear here that if any small gene depletion, substitutions, deletion and addition will result into several sex-linked diseases. Most of the sex-linked diseases are due to X Chromosomes with sever impacts on man.


Social Stigma about Gender

In our society, both males and females are criticized. Male has to work and feed whole family as he has male Gender while female has to look after at home as she has female gender in most of the cases. Female has to care about his skin and body. If any damages to them can bring many social evils for her. Similarly, male can enjoy social status and social norms freely as compared to women because women have more chances for raps etc. In this regard, male Gender has more advantages than female Gender.

Religious Aspects About Gender

It is not only Society that discriminates gender on its own set parameters but also religions participate in this role. In some religions, female has religious restrictions like to cover her body and face strictly from male Gender while male Gender can enjoy in most organs freedom in body expression. Moreover, there are some religions in which female enjoy more freedom and is dominant gender.



Male and female both genders have their own advantages and disadvantages depending on territories and religions. Gender Equality is nowadays a big Slogan in the whole world. Although it looked impossible to equalise both Genders but there are strikes and protests either by male or by females in many regions of the world. We should do our best not to discriminate humanity on Gender based and we should provide equal opportunities to all of them. We can't blame only one gender for anything. Always there is almost equal contributions from both Genders in many things.

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good job! But I think that there are both sex and gender prejudices in different ways! Since like you said there are other genders =p

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There is no doubt that both Genders and Sex are confused by each other. But it is Gender that is disgraced a lot.

Oh my God I was not aware that you are a biologist as well

Even I don't know! I'm IT graduate. So I always learned things from research article or past O'level biology Knowledge.

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