A Recent Research Suggests That Our Quest For What Dark Energy Actually Is Might Soon Be Over

in StemSocial3 years ago (edited)

Credit: Sandbox studio, Chicago

Considered one of the most vexing problems in physics - What the hell is dark energy ?, Most astronomers believe dark energy exists because of what it apparently does in our observable universe - causes an accelerated expansion of the universe, this scenario can be likened in part to an inflating balloon and it (dark energy) is believed to make up approximately 70% of our observable universe

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Credit: blogspot

What actually baffles Scientists is that this entity appears invisible, we cannot observe or detect it like ordinary matter/energy, hence earning the name "dark energy". What we only know is it's negative gravitational influence on matter - it repels matter unlike normal gravitational influence that attracts matter.
To better understand why some Scientists are desperately searching for the actual/fundamental nature of dark energy, theories have been proposed to explain the accelerated expansion of the universe, with some taking the expansion to be caused by some exotic particles, some modifying the theories of gravity and a particular one which is mostly accepted by cosmologists attributing it to a fundamental energy of space and often associated with the cosmological constant first introduced by Albert Einstein in his field equations of the theory of general relativity( accepted theory of gravitation) to account for a static universe. However some of these theories give ad hoc predictions while some predicts things that cannot be observed from experiments directly, at least for now, till we have further advanced our technologies.

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Credit: Tom Gauld

But new research shows how a hypothetical form of dark energy might be made inside the sun and could be detected here on Earth. In fact, we may have already seen it. Read more


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