Weekly Science And Technology Reports - May 19, 2024

in StemSocial β€’ 26 days ago (edited)


Welcome back guys !!!!

Hold on a minute..... something seems odd. πŸ€”

Let's look around to see what it is.....ah yes, at the beginning - excluding the title. If you are still wondering what it is, then I suggest you go see a psychologist. Sorry if I didn't hit the nail on the head but what better way than to keep things fun. 😎

Alright, enough of the jokes and let's get "a little bit more unserious"............. sorry, "serious".

Could a milk-based goo be a cure for drunkenness?

There are those of us who are heavy drinkers of alcohol - except for me, and we have different reasons why we do what we do. However, too much of everything isn't always good, so drinking too much alcohol has it's own negative consequences, the most popular being drunkenness and with drunkenness comes others. But can there be a cure for drunkeness?

Sounds weird but this report says.........keep reading.

No Inner Voice? New Study Reveals Its Impact on Memory

While thinking or reading, have you ever noticed that there seems to be an inner communication, like some entity in your mind doing the talking while performing such activities ?

Some of us would like to think it's still us doing the talking in our head but that's a discussion for another time. That phenomenon is referred to as an "inner voice" and as humans we'd like to think it happens to everyone of us but this report says that's not actually the case. So, does it mean that those who do are special?

Well, this report says......continue reading. Apparently, I have entities in my head, sometimes communicating with themselves and me eavesdropping, am I safe ? πŸ‘€

Controlled failure: The building designed to limit catastrophe

So, we hear of building collapses and if care isn't taken, irreplaceable damages could be made. These collapses usually start with minor faults that grows with time and building architecture also plays a role. Could lizards help us design a better building ?

Seems this dude is bluffing πŸ˜‚ - you must be thinking. Ok, why not find out for yourselves. So, what are we going to call this, the lizard architecture? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€­

How men evolved to care for babies β€” before society got in the way

Male humans are one of the very few animals and only animal in the great Ape family that seem to have interest in the welfare of their offspring, it's mostly the work of only females in majority of the animals. So, it begs the question, within the great Ape family, how did we evolve such traits ?

According to a researcher the answer could be due to.........continue reading. What a woman can do, a man can do better - no offences. 😁

New organ, new personality? Transplants appear to have a mysterious impact and scientists are searching for answers

Well, I haven't undergone an organ transplant before and so does some of us but there seems to be rumours that if you undergo an organ transplant, you are likely to acquire a new personality, especially that of the donor. 😳

How true can that be and why?

Let's find out. Trust me, you do not want to have me as a donor. 😁

It is here we conclude today's report, have a thoughtful day and till i come your way again next week.

Thank you all once again for stopping by to read my jargons and also thank you @stemng, @lemouth and the @Steemstem team for your valuable supports.


Lastly, please don't forget to do the needful
If you enjoyed my jargons.

Background image source by @doze

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