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RE: Big Data and Bioinformatics: where we are on Omics technology

in StemSocial2 years ago

Alright Sir, thanks for the lovely questions and as usual I will pick them one after the other.

How large are they in terms of storage space? Would it be possible to be a bit more quantitative?

Omics Data have different sizes depending on the organism in question. For example Lower organism have their size to vary 12kb to 12mb, while higher living things weigh 2mb to over 100,000mb. For Humans, it's within 6200mega base pairs. So far, more information have surfaced and some have made claims that it's more than than.

For omics data analysis, this is what I am currently studying with.
Looks quite complicated but in no I am confident I will perfect it.

The gene sequence data are actually free accessible on NCBI (National Centre for Biotechnology information) site. It is a open access domain where Al the genes that have so far been sequenced are found. All you just do is to copy the gene sequence and then send it to the t-bio platform for analysis.

This Link will take you directly to the NCBI where you get to have a glimpse of information about the whole sequenced human genome.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for providing all these pieces of information. I don't get everything from the shared websites, but I think that I managed to get some basic stuff from them.

Have a nice end of the week!