Live Objects in iOS 16 will change how graphic designers work forever

in StemSocial2 years ago (edited)

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iOS 16 Beta is out now 📲

Apple released the beta versions of iOS 16 this week. This means that users with an iPhone 8 or newer will be able to access the latest update early. This is mainly meant for developers to prepare their apps, but regular users are also allowed to try the beta.

Visit to sign up for access to the iOS 16 Beta.

I haven't downloaded the beta myself since I prefer a bug-free iPhone experience. I have however watched many videos and read several articles about all of the awesome new features coming to iOS 16.

Here is a video from Marques Brownlee where he goes over some of the top new features of iOS 16.

You can find even more information in this written article by 9To5Mac.

A few of the main things to get excited about with this new update are:

🔓 Custom lock screens
💬 The ability to un-send and edit iMessages
⌨️ Haptic keyboard
📷 Continuity camera

and most importantly...

🗿 Live Objects 🤩

What to expect from my video 🎬

In today's video, I will talk a bit about these new features. I will then focus more on Live Objects and explain to you why this is going to be so revolutionary for graphic designers such as myself. I've included many different videos to show you exactly what to expect from iOS 16.

If you know anything about Photoshop, then you have probably heard of the lasso tool before. This is what you use to trace an object and remove the subject from its background to use in your creation. This works well but can be a very tedious process causing much frustration.

Live Objects is making this whole process so much easier. With a long press of the finger, you will be able to remove the subject from its background instantly. This means you can have a .png image with a transparent background, which can easily be used in Photoshop and other programs. This can be done with virtually any image, even if it wasn't taken on your iPhone.

Machine learning is what allows this to happen. Apple will have this feature before Android and be pioneers yet again. There are apps already out that you can use to do something similar, but they are nowhere near as polished and useful as iOS 16's Live Objects.

How excited are you for iOS 16❓

Do you plan to test the beta? Or are you like me and just going to try to patiently wait until September for the full release? There are a ton of things to be hyped for in terms of iOS 16 features. Tell me which one you are looking forward to the most down in the comments. I have a feeling that other graphic designers will quickly understand just how massive Live Objects is going to be for us.

Thanks for stopping by to watch another one of my daily videos. Be sure to follow me for more content like this in the future.


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Running the 16 beta since a while.

I had only issues with some banking apps.

A !BEER from me to you dear @daltono

Sounds stable enough to upgrade to and start using now. I’m over here dying to use it anyway, I may go for it sometime this week.

Yeah - I use it on my main device since weeks.

what? i can pretty much do that now..


Yea that certainly works very well. I love the dolphins?
About the only thing it will change is there won’t be a second ocean behind me from the original picture. So I’ll look more realistically pasted in the dolphin ocean.

yea. and it's way faster too..😉

I'm so looking forward to the custom lock screens!
It's so tiring to unlock the phone and see what's up with the widgets but with this new update, I don't need to unlock the phone. 🎉

The live objects seem interesting too!
I wonder if that is bug free.
If it's working so well, good job to the devs!

I've had a jailbroken iPhone a few times before. It allows so many cool things, but it always ended up slowing down my phone too much and making it crash. I just prefer to not have to deal with it. Look how cool my old lock screen was though. I custom-designed every aspect and had it looking exactly how I wanted.


I am pretty hyped to be able to add a more personal flair to my lock screen again FINALLY.

I'm sure that by the time iOS 16 is officially released, there won't be many bugs. Already Live Objects is said to work extremely well by many beta testers.

I'm always hesitant to jailbreak my iphone. I figured it would cause many problems than solve my worries. 😂

I am pretty hyped to be able to add a more personal flair to my lock screen again FINALLY.

Exactly! Right now it's just meh but we could finally customize it!
I'm so excited for it!
Yes, hopefully no more many bugs when it's released to the public.

It works fine until you start adding so many new things that the phone just starts becoming overworked. It's very difficult to say no to all of the cool tweaks.

September can't come soon enough!

Couldn’t agree more! So many cool stuff the phone can’t handle them all 😅
Few more sleeps and September it is 😅

Wow, I didn't hear about any of these other features. I did hear about the continuity, and that was insane. I tried to wrap my brain around how that is possible but I ended with "wow. Apple do a cool". I do know how it works now but it still kind of blows my mind a wide-lens can produce enough information to do that.

Soo with that being said, when will continuity/phone camera work for Windows systems as a webcam?? IDC I'll plug it in with a lightning cable, better than any webcam I've used so far.

The continuity camera is pretty amazing. Just the fact that you can have an upgraded camera + center stage to track you and adjust the lighting perfectly. Then that desk view really is something. I'm amazed.

I'm not sure about this feature working on Windows. The only information I could find was It looks like there is an app called Camo that lets you do something similar, but I'm not sure about desk view.

I have a feeling Apple's official feature will be on Macs only, kind of like Airdrop.

 2 years ago  

Welcome to STEMSocial, btw. Thanks for sharing this cool review. I'm not a fan of Apple, but I've heard that their products are so addictive and these are amazing features indeed :)

BTW, as a suggestion next time consider talking more about the science or programming of the technologies that are involved and that make these features possible. This is because we support contents related to science, technology, engineering, math and such.

Thanks for the welcome. I know many prefer to steer clear of Apple, but I have been a fan/user since around 2006.

Science and programming are not really my expertise, so maybe STEMSocial isn't the best place for me to post these types of videos. I figured that since this was tech-related that would be enough, but I get what you mean.

I agree, live objects will be very useful for mobile content creators. Hopefully can pull my cat out easily enough 😅

Will have to load it up on my iPhone later. Thanks for the video and quick breakdown!

I do most of my designs on my desktop these days and I still will be using the daylights out of these features. I am so tired of tracing every object that I want to use in my designs. So far, it seems to work very well and I have seen it pull animals out with relative ease.

Hope you enjoy this once you get to watch all of it!

Haha the end of the video was epic man, I didn't expect that. I've been using iPhone 6 for 5 years and it's time to change it. I watched iOS 16 video for the first time and the live object thing attracted me. So as you said, this is a great innovation for thumbnails or video edits. It will speed up our work a lot. I'm very happy about that and I hope I can get a new iPhone, at least an XS like yours. Thanks for letting me know what's new.

I think you are talking about when I activated X-Ray Vision.

Once you get a new iPhone, you will be amazed at how much faster everything is. Plus the camera and screen upgrades are great. The added benefit of being able to be submerged in water is huge too.

You are going to benefit a lot from Live Objects. I know that you will start enjoying creating cool thumbnails even more.

If I have the opportunity, I would like to try it from the beta level since we could broadcast that iOS 16 could be improved. The truth is that technology advances rapidly and if it is to improve, it is welcome.

There will be many users testing the beta to provide feedback, I suppose they could always use more. If I had two iPhone, I'd happily put on of them into beta. I only have one iPhone right now and I do not wish to have to deal with bugs, so I'm waiting for the release.

I am curious to test it!

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Maybe try the beta out?
Otherwise you’ll be waiting until September like me.

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