today exploration || I discovered a hidden miracle

in StemSociallast month

On weekends, with my friends and I chose to explore the forest to discover various beauties and wonders, in recent times I have become interested in exploring because this way I can increase my knowledge about nature and life in it.

Early in the morning we met at the place we had determined at the starting point, with high spirits and of course complete equipment, as soon as we entered the forest we immediately received a welcome from the birds with very melodious chirping, the rustle of the morning wind among the leaves. and also the cool weather, it was a great weekend trip, we wanted to spend our free time in the forest and hope to gain new knowledge today.

during the trip we discovered various species of butterflies that are rarely seen, the beauty of the colors of these butterflies was truly stunning and was one of the highlights of the day, but unfortunately I did not have the opportunity to observe and immortalize them because these beautiful butterflies were very beautiful. wild, I didn't give up, we continued our journey until we found several objects in the forest today to study.

now I want to invite you to take a closer look at some of my discoveries today in the forest we explored, let's dive into today's knowledge of the objects I have found;

while walking in large trees and dense bushes, I noticed something strange in one of the wild plants, at first I thought that it was just a dead plant shoot or a scar, then I walked closer to confirm the strange object, I saw movement small on the top of the wild plant, I approached slowly and very carefully and I realized that it was an insect and not a dead plant shoot, I approached even closer to observe about this insect.

and this is a beetle that belongs to the "Dryophthoridae" family which is famous for its ability to bore stems and seeds, some species from this family are even considered serious pests of agricultural plants and wood, however, in the wild these insects It is still considered to have an important role in the ecosystem, namely helping the process of decomposition and recycling of nutrients.

I feel very lucky about this discovery, I took photos and recorded details of the environment where I found it for documentation and further research purposes, seeing this insect directly in the forest gave me new insight and knowledge, and this insect was the first discovery in exploration today.

after observing the insects then I continued along the path, I saw there was a group of leaves that looked denser and were tied with fine threads, out of curiosity, I approached to take a closer look, it turned out that behind the dense leaves there was a nest of caterpillars which very beautiful, the fine threads are arranged neatly to form a perfect nest, as you can see in the picture this nest is very neat and structured, but this nest has been abandoned, I didn't find anything in it, I observed for a while and I only saw empty space that has been left behind.

this discovery provides interesting insight into the behavior and life of caterpillars, they form nests that are so perfect that they are protected from predators and the rainy season, as well as being the perfect place to breed, these caterpillar nests show that nature has arranged everything very perfectly and calculatingly.

The exploration continues for a long day, after finding a caterpillar nest hidden behind dense leaves, the spirit of exploration is burning within me, I continue to explore the lush bushes to find other beautiful creatures, I don't want to miss anything in this exploration, I want to grasping today's knowledge, I headed towards the bush slowly because I was worried there were snakes hiding, several wild plants the size of my knees were swaying slowly due to the morning wind which was starting to get strong, on one of the weed plants I noticed there was a different movement, I had to make sure What is going on over there?

This is a beautiful creature that belongs to the "Tettigoniidae" family, this insect is very famous for its above average camouflage abilities, this insect is very difficult to detect by any predator so this insect rarely becomes a victim of prey and the predator food chain, I feel lucky to be able to find it This beautiful creature is from the movement of the leaves, as you can see in the picture. This insect has a leaf green body color, and honestly I find it difficult to differentiate between the two, this insect has long hind legs and the ability to hunt small, agile insects, and this insect is still young. when it becomes an adult insect it will have a different appearance.

this is Acridinae, or better known as akrid, which is a type of grasshopper belonging to the Acrididae subfamily, this grasshopper is famous for its slender body and often has striking colors, and this grasshopper also has the ability to camouflage, this grasshopper is easy to found in grasslands or dense bushes that are rarely touched by humans, this grasshopper avoids direct contact with everything so that it is safe from predators, this grasshopper usually hides behind dense leaves, so this grasshopper is difficult to find if you don't pay special attention.

The forest exploration that I did this time really opened my eyes to the wonder and beauty of nature that is hidden from everyday view, the discovery of caterpillar nests and several species of insects has provided lessons and understanding about biodiversity and the importance of protecting our ecosystem, today's exploration increasing my knowledge and my interest to continue exploring in the following days.

Today's exploration is not only limited to physical exploration, but also about an inner journey that deepens my respect and love for nature. With a heart full of gratitude I leave the forest with new enthusiasm and a sincere intention to preserve it.

Thank you very much to everyone who supports my exploration activities, and especially to @stemsocial which gives us space to share our various discoveries in the universe, see you all & hopefully this post will be an inspiration for readers to explore and discover the various wonders and beauties that still exist hidden, your take the first step to explore the world.


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You really made a lot of discoveries in your forest Exploration. A lot of things go on inside the bushes hidden from people's eyes except when someone goes for a closer look as you have done.