The scientific method and logic

in StemSociallast year


Hello, greetings to all the Sensorial universe, for this day I bring you the scientific method and logic are two fundamental tools used in the investigation and study of science. The scientific method is a systematic and rigorous process used to obtain reliable and verifiable scientific knowledge. On the other hand, logic is a tool that is used to analyze and evaluate the validity and consistency of propositions and arguments.

The scientific method begins with observation and the formulation of a question or problem. A thorough investigation is then carried out to gather relevant and relevant information. From this information, a hypothesis is developed, which is a tentative guess about the answer to the question or problem.

The hypothesis is tested by conducting controlled experiments and collecting data. The results are analyzed and compared with the hypothesis to determine if it is valid or not. If the results confirm the hypothesis, it is accepted as a temporary explanation of the phenomenon. If the results do not confirm it, the hypothesis is rejected or modified and the process is repeated.

Logic is essential to the scientific method as it helps to assess the validity and consistency of propositions and arguments. The theorems of mathematical logic are used to assess the validity of propositions and arguments in the scientific method. The theorems of mathematical logic allow evaluating the validity of propositions and arguments through the application of logical rules.

Thanks to the scientific method and logic are essential tools in scientific research. The scientific method is a systematic and rigorous process used to obtain reliable and verifiable scientific knowledge. Logic is a tool used to analyze and assess the validity and consistency of propositions and arguments. The theorems of mathematical logic are used to assess the validity of propositions and arguments in the scientific method. It is important to note that the scientific method and logic are ongoing processes, as science is a constantly evolving field, and knowledge can change as new research is conducted and new information is collected.

In addition, it is important to mention that the scientific method and logic are essential for informed decision making and problem solving in various fields, from medicine and technology to politics and economics. Without a logic and evidence-based approach, decisions can be rash and poorly informed, which can have negative consequences.

We now have a schematic of a scientific method:

1- Observation and formulation of question or problem

2- Thorough research to gather relevant information

3- Elaboration of hypotheses

4- Carrying out controlled experiments and data collection

5- Analysis and comparison of results with the hypothesis

6- Acceptance or modification/rejection of the hypothesis

7- Communication of the results and publication in scientific journals

8- Discussion and debate in the scientific community

9- Continuation of research to increase knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon studied.

Now we have the case of the application of a theorem of logic.

Theorem: If a proposition is true, then its negation is false, and if a proposition is false, then its negation is true.


Let us consider a proposition A that is true.

The negation of A is "not A", which means that A is not true.

Since A is true, then "not A" is false.

Let us now consider a proposition B which is false.

The negation of B is "not B", which means that B is not true.

Since B is false, then "not B" is true.

Therefore, if a proposition is true, then its negation is false, and if a proposition is false, then its negation is true.

This theorem is known as the law of negation and is a fundamental principle in mathematical logic and logical inference. It is important to note that this law only applies to simple propositions and cannot be applied to compound propositions.

Bibliography Reference:

-"The logic of scientific research" by Karl Popper (1959).

- "Statistical inference" by George Box and David Cox (1994).


Thank you for sharing this. For every hypothesis to be proven to be truth, we must acknowledge the fact that it begins from scientific method and logic