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RE: Religion prior to Agriculture? Göbekli Tepe shows a different path to civilization

in StemSocial3 years ago

Difficult to imagine that man was a flesh-eater before evolving to eat plants. The temple might have something else totally behind it that makes it so. It does not just follow logically that man will wake up and start chasing games all around just to feed when fruits and leaves are easily available to pick. The monotony of being vegan and the discovery of fire must have evolved his taste.


Difficult to imagine that man was a flesh-eater before evolving to eat plants.

They also gathered plants and forage as well as hunted, it seems that after the glaciation there was plenty of food available. Agriculture seems to have arisen when the population grew and they had to produce more food.

There is still a lot of mystery surrounding how humans evolved 10 to 20 thousand years ago, not all anthropologists seem to agree.

Humans must have discovered fire thousands of years before Gobekli Tepe, so they must have already been accustomed to eating meat by fire. I think that what you mention happened because with the desertification of North Africa there were fewer plants and we had to hunt.

Thanks for commenting greetings @gentleshaid