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RE: Lost a patient due to shady practices; Case Narrative

in StemSocial2 years ago

Was actually thinking of making a post relating to appendicitis (Will probably do that later today).

This is the first time I will be hearing about womb repositioning. Quite an incredulous practice. The bone setting is also common around here and I blame that on poverty/ignorance.

About what you experienced on Hive, many members of the community are not really happy about you muting some of the comments under the post. I hope you learned a big lesson. No one is above mistake but muting the comments you don't agree with raised a red flag.

 2 years ago (edited) 

This is the first time I will be hearing about womb repositioning

They do it a lot here.

Regarding the muting, really I was very disappointed with how heavy the hammer was raised considering the situation...That was just a subtle way of expressing my disappointment. lessons learnt.

It's all water under the bridge now though.