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RE: I started a Python programming course for beginners

in StemSocial2 years ago (edited)

OMG. It seems nature is bent on me learning python.

I recently got a huge push to start learning to code as well. Actually, I wanted to go into data analysis using python and as you can see, I need to master python syntaxes before I can say I want to use them to analyze data.

I have started off casually reading an ebook that I downloaded for free but yet to put anything into practice. I am going to download this app and work along with you on this journey. Perhaps you are the angel sent to push me to learn to code. Let's motivate ourselves.

We will be publishing our journey weekly.

What do you think?

Edit: So I started with the course and lost all my 3 hearts on a simple question. I was to fill in blanks to output the multiplication of 42 and 3.

Print(42 * 3)

It keeps telling me that it is wrong. How did you bypass this? I am certain that is the right syntax


As long as the numbers are integers that should output 126. However if 42 is a string it will output 424242.



So awesome if SoloLearn can help you on your journey because of this post. I’ll be posting updates for sure but weekly will probably be a little to much for me. Looking forward to seeing both of our progress though!

 2 years ago  

Thanks. I solved the puzzle :). I was using initial capital letter for the 'print'