Indepth study on the functions of the liver and its diseases

in StemSocial2 years ago (edited)


Our body is a well designed structure that comprises of many organs. Each and everyone of this organ has its own specific function. Its role is mainly to maintain a fairly internal constant environment and to enable proper functioning of the body system. On daily bases our organ keeps working to regulate some of the vital things needed for the body to be in a good state.

But the thing is, what then are our actions to maintain a healthy organs and to keep it in a good condition.

Nowadays, people are coming down every single day from one particular organ disease to the other. Reason being because we do not care on the things that could help sustain and maintain a healthy organs. For this reason, most people today are in the hospital because of one ailment to the other which may be due to our own carelessness and many more.

Today I will be discussing on the functions of the liver and it diseases.

Stay tuned as we go down to bring in what we have for you in detail👇

the liver

The liver is the largest solid organ of the body that weighs between 1.44 and 1.66kg. it is reddish brown in colour with a flexible texture which makes it more unique in nature. It is found to be located at the upper left of the body, just below the lungs. The liver is covered with a substance known as glisson's capsule which helps to protect the liver from external damages.

Coming to its shape, the liver is a bit triangular In shape with two different lobes situated both in the right and left side of the body. The right lobe is larger while the left own is a bit smaller in size. One interesting part of liver is it's ability to regenerate back to its normal shape when harmed.

Without wasting much of our time let's quickly go straight to the vital functions of this organ in our body.

glycogen storage

Excessive carbohydrates are stored in the liver. This can be possible because of the stimulation of an insulin by the pancreas. This glycogen can be converted back to glucose whenever there is decrease of glucose in the body. This is done by the help of an enzymes in the body.
Malfunction of those enzymes could result to inability of this stored glycogen to be converted back to glucose for the body to make use of it. When this happens the liver is likely to be inflamed due to unconverted glycogen in the liver.
This condition is known as glucose storage disease (GSD).
Glucose storage disease can be classified into different types but the most common ones are type 1,3 and 4.

type 1 or von Gierke disease

This is a disease caused as a result of deficient of an enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase. This enzyme actually helps to convert glycogen into glucose in the liver. Absence of this enzyme leads to build up of glycogen in the liver.

Cori disease or type 3

This is a disease caused as a result of decrease or deficient of an enzyme called debranching enzyme. This enzyme also helps in the conversion of the glycogen into glucose for the body to make use of it.

Type IV or Andersen disease

This is the formation of abnormal glycogen in the liver which in one way or the other triggers the body immune system to fight against our liver therefore causing harm or damage to the liver.

bile secretion

Bile is an aqueous substance secreted by the liver. It is made up of different constituent which includes phospholipid, cholesterol, electrolytes,bile salts and many others. It is known to be stored in the gallbladder until it is being stimulated by a hormone called cholecystokinin. This stimulation causes contraction of the gallbladder therefore pushing out the bile through the cystic duct into the bile duct.
The bile is being carried from the bile duct through relaxation of the oddi sphincter into the duodenal lumen where it helps to neutralize fats.

Knowing what liver is all about and it function will enable us to understand that liver is actually one of the most important organ in our body that helps to regulate an important function and keeps our body in a good condition.

If paradventure the liver starts to lose its function. There is always a signs that indicates that the liver is in danger. These includes elevation of the liver enzymes. These liver enzymes are alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase and alkaline phosphatase.
Immediately the liver sustains an injury. It releases those enzymes into the blood stream indicating a problem in the liver.
During diagnosis the liver enzymes are being found in the blood showing there could be problem in the liver.
Some of this diseases that could pose a serious treat to the liver includes cirrhosis,Primary sclerosing cholangitis and Gilbert’s syndrome


This is simply liver disease that is caused as a result of increase in alcohol intake or by toxin, leaving the liver with scar that replaces liver cells causing cell death and inflammation.

Primary sclerosing cholangitis

This is a disease that causes inflammation of the bile duct leading to its destruction. Presently there are no cure for this disease and the causative agent is still unknown. It is assumed that this disease could be as a result of autoimmune disease that lendered the bile duct inflamed.

Gilbert syndrome

This is known as a genetic disorder that causes the inability of the bilirubin to be broken down therefore causing jaundice in children.

in conclusion

Knowing the work our liver does is very much important. It helps us to regulate some of the things we take that might cause or result to a problem in our liver.
Since we all have understood the role which the liver play. It is high time we cutail some of the things that could pose a risk to our liver in other to maintain a healthy life style.

What does the liver do?
What Are the Warning Signs of Alcohol-Related Liver Damage
glycogen storage disease
Elevated Liver Enzymes
Physiology, Bile Secretion

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