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RE: The times I made mistakes as a doctor.

in StemSocial2 years ago

Reminds me of when I was in GI medicine. Apparently it was a time bomb and all we did was give parliative care. She had chronic hepatitis and I was so touched to try give my best, there was an industrial action then and in UCH when nurses go on strike the house officer does all their work. Assisted by the patient relatives.. Speak of a poor health conscious nations.
I spent 4 days in the hospital straight during that strike and I got sick myself .. Trying to ensure she doesn't pass..

When she eventually did, I felt sad, trying to search if I did anything wrong.. I didnt find anything.., what comforted me strangely were the words of a senior colleague. He said "cheer up Doc, you didnt kill her, the disease did". You did your best.

I couldn't hold the tears but I know I did what I could. I should share the story sometime.

Doctors do make mistakes, but they can be generally avoided.