Mass production of spacecraft.

in StemSocial27 days ago

Mass production of spacecraft.

With each passing day the demand for spacecraft increases as space agencies work on new missions such as NASA's Artemis that will take humans back to the moon and the constant sending of satellites into space such as those of the internet company via satellite like SpaceX's Starlink, however, despite the high demand, these ships were not currently built on a production line, since they are designed for specific missions, in addition to the fact that the new ships are only manufactured when the old ones are removed from the service.


Now imagine the future that is being outlined with people regularly going to space either for tourism to colonize the moon and Mars, for this future it will be necessary to change the way ships are currently conceived and when talking about space tourism Virgin Galactic is one of the main players, its new ships are not only a response to the growing demand for space travel, but also a symbol of technological evolution and Industrial capacity, representing a significant advance with respect to the class SpaceShip 2 like the vss Unity with seating for six passengers compared to the Unit's four; Deltas are designed for high production volume and the decision to increase passenger capacity is strategic, allowing for a more inclusive experience and potentially reducing the cost per seat.

Construction of these ships is scheduled to take place at a new production unit in Phoenix Arizona, while a facility in California will be dedicated to the integration and testing of the core systems, using a test system called Iron Bird to validate components before installation completes an engineering approach that seeks to minimize risk and optimize the development process.

Collaboration with partners such as Bell, for the wingspan technology and carbon aerospace responsible for the fuselage and wing highlights Virgin Galactic's integrated approach in building these ships, Aurora flight sciences a Boeing company is developing a new aircraft carrier to replace the vms ev strengthening the infrastructure necessary to support the expanded operation of the Delta fleet.

With an ambitious plan to carry out up to eight flights per month per spacecraft, Virgin Galactic could serve up to 750 customers monthly, generating a very interesting annual income for the company. This would not only make the operation profitable, but also democratize access to space. a goal long pursued by the aerospace industry.

The promise to begin commercial flights within 2 years places Virgin Galactic in a potentially advantageous position in the competitive large-scale space tourism market, representing not only a technological advance but also the possibility of making space travel a reality for a wider audience. broad with the continuation of the development and production of these aircraft on a commercial scale the future of space tourism seems promising and increasingly closer to reality, whether it will be impressive or not, only the future will tell...

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