Let´s talk about HEALING

in StemSocial3 years ago (edited)

Hello Community of StemSocial, very pleased to be able to share with you the following publication within the medical order, with respect to a subject that is at last to us all. Surely you have had in more than one opportunity a doubt regarding what is the process of healing in our body, or you have been surprised with respect to that regenerative capacity of our organism.

It is specifically about this that I will speak next, follow me until the end that I intend to make everything quite clear.


Image of my Autorship/ Edited in Power Point/ Scar on my left hand.


Cell regeneration and growth is one of the fundamental components of all living beings. In the case of human beings, despite having a large number of cells, each with a specific form and function, they basically all enjoy capacity. And it takes on greater importance when our body has a wound, because it is what allows damaged structures to be restored (although not completely).

In this case I will talk specifically about the healing of the skin and scalp, which in general have a similar pattern in their behavior. Because internally our body also heals, but their periods depend on the affected organs.

So first let's do a review of the structure of the skin, so we can then more easily understand the process of healing.


Image of my Autorship. / Edited in Power Point./ Burn scars on my right foot.

Skin structure

I must emphasize that the skin is considered the most extensive organ of our body, it fulfills diverse functions, among which it stands out, as it is expected the protection that it offers us. To be able to fulfill all its functions it requires a finely organized structure, with which we are surely all familiar, however I would like to describe it below and highlight the main thing in the healing process.

  • As you can see in the image below, it is very well organized, from the outermost layer, the epidermis, which is what we can see, that is where the cells that give our skin its color are.


Image of my Autorship. / Edited in Power Point *

  • In the next layer, the dermis, there is a large number of different cells, each with different functions as defenders as well as constant repair of this layer of the skin. We can also find the hair follicles, from where the hairs arise.

  • Subcutaneous tissue, is the third layer, it is here where the blood vessels run (arteries and veins) that are responsible for carrying nutrients and other protective cells, in addition to collecting metabolic waste and move it through the blood to the organs that will eliminate them.

It is important to be clear about these layers, because each one of them plays a role in the healing process.

Before continuing and explaining what the healing process consists of, it is necessary to be clear about what a injury is:


Public Domain Image / Author: voxtrup / Edited in Power Point / Source

"Injury is a loss of continuity of the skin or mucosa produced by some physical or chemical agent." Source

Well, having clarified the point, let's continue. After an injury, first an important process is triggered, which is coagulation. That is, those blood vessels that have been injured release blood, and this must be stopped. To do this, the first thing that occurs is the formation of a blood plug. The purpose of this is to limit blood loss. And to give way to the second stage.


Image of my autorship / Edited in Powerpoint

The second stage is inflammatory. Contrary to what many may think, the inflammatory process is actually a mechanism that the body uses to focus attention on many mechanisms in the area where the injury or wound has occurred. In what way?

The blood vessels become permeable and allow the passage of cells that are transported in the blood to the area of the injury, these cells will take care of different activities. One of them is to clean the area, so that cells called macrophages will come and absorb tissue waste to leave the area free of waste. The cell type in charge of fighting against bacteria will also arrive, in case there are any.


Image of my autorship / Edited in Powerpoint

Once the injured area has been "cleaned" by the immune system, another type of cell arrives, called fibroblasts which are the ones that will take care of the beginning of the tissue repair. They are producers of collagen, an essential component in this process. They also actively participate in the repair of blood vessels and the generation of new ones, a process called "angiogenesis ".


Image of my autorship / Edited in Powerpoint

After this stage comes what is known as maturation, in which the strength of the tissue is recovered and also generates the formation or restoration of the epidermis, which as is known by all, does not really return the skin to its original color. Generally in that area that was regenerated does not tend to grow hair again, because the hair follicles are destroyed with the injury and do not regenerate.


Of course, it is a process that takes up to 15 days, and this process can be affected by various factors, such as

  • Poor nutrition, since the body could not provide the necessary nutrients.

  • Infection: if any bacteria colonizes the wound, it prevents proper healing, because the bacteria produces substances that prevent it, in addition to causing more damage.


As you can see, in a process that takes place naturally there are many details, it is important that we all have a notion about it to understand that at the time of a wound we must provide the body with what is necessary (food, hygiene, rest, etc.) to fully carry out its function.

I say goodbye, hoping that it has been of your greater understanding as well as that this reading is useful to understand a little better the wonders that our organism does to keep us healthy.


Heridas. Conceptos generales
Fisiologia humana / Human Physiology: Un enfoque integrado.
Principless of wound healing
Medical Physiology E-Book


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Hola amigo, se que la pregunta que te voy a hacer no tiene nada que ver con tu post que por cierto esta muy bien hecho! pero es que bueno, vi que has manejado cambios de cop a bolivares y queria saber si conoces de alguna pagina que permita retirar sbd,steem, hbd y hive a cop moneda colombiana, vengo de venezuela y no tengo idea de donde cambiar, me seria de gran ayuda tu respuesta, gracias y saludos!

Hola @quediceharry
Gracias por comentar.
No te preocupes, entiendo la pregunta, todos andamos buscando opciones.
En relación a los cambios de cryptos a COP, esta actualmente muy costoso hacerlo de la manera en la que lo había realizado anteriormente. Una comisión de casi 20 dólares. Muy caro.
Lo hago a través de localbitcoin.com. Paso las monedas a binance, ahí las convierto en BTC y luego los envía para localbitcoin donde los cambio a Pesos. Pero, 20 dólares de comisión es mucho.
Esto asesorándome con una amiga que lo hace por medio de buda.com. Es otro proceso, pero estoy justo en eso ahora.
Tambien una casa de cambio que se llama capybaraexchange lo hace, sólo que hoy no lo están haciendo. Quizás mañana.

Okok ¡Muchísimas gracias por la información amigo! vaya que realizar los cambios acá en Colombia es un poco mas complejo que en Venezuela pero si hay modos así que dentro de esas formas que me acabas de mencionar buscare el que modo que me resulte! Saludos y nuevamente gracias :D por cierto ¿como puedo saber que días si esta haciendo los cambios Capybara?

Debes contactarlos por discord. Hoy por ejemplo, no están trabajado aquí en Colombia.
Este es el enlace: https://discord.gg/SFU4Vunh

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