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RE: Lost a patient due to shady practices; Case Narrative

in StemSocial2 years ago (edited)

What a week, indeed! Sometimes, there are times whether we should better stay in bed... I wish you the best for the rest of this year (or for next year, as today coincides with Chinese new year!).

And thanks for sharing these windows on practices in Nigeria. I am shocked, although I start to see the situation and its boundary conditions (in particular after chatting with @gentleshaid too).

 2 years ago  

Thank you all we will always come out strong.

And thanks for sharing these windows on practices in Nigeria. I am shocked.

The death of the patient was really painful. I had to vet my anger by exposing these practices.
I just hope people learn and retrace their footsteps.

 2 years ago  

I just hope people learn and retrace their footsteps.

That is maybe too high of a request after considering how humans we are... :/

 2 years ago  

Haha...I get.