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RE: Quarks - Fundamental Constituents of Matter

in StemSocial2 years ago

Neutrons are neutral, so that we cannot use electromagnetic fields to accelerate them. This is the reason why we only accelerate and collide charged particles (protons, antiprotons, electrons, positrons). Here, the reason is thus only a practical one.


Cool.. that makes sense.. So do we get to simulate these other charged particles as well in the #citizenscience project?

 2 years ago  

So do we get to simulate these other charged particles as well in the #citizenscience project?

Nope, we will only focus on collisions of protons, because this is what the collider in which we are interested (CERN's Large Hadron Collider) does. Other considered options (electron-positron, muon-antimuon or heavy ions) will not be considered here. This would indeed consist in a totally different project, and we cannot ride all horses at the same time ;)