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RE: COVID19 testing: Issues and advancement

in StemSocial3 years ago

Greetings friend @gentleshaid, I'm not surprised but still this kind of situation you describe by stating that:

Also posing as a challenge is the cost of testing for COVID19, especially in the undeveloped and developing regions of the world where a-dollar a day per individual is a luxury. I have a friend that is presently stuck in South Africa not because he could not afford the cost of the flight ticket, but because he is busy trying to source the funds for the COVID test when he gets to the airport here in Nigeria.

They are realities, which still cause me disorientation, because nations are responsible for environmental chaos, and the genesis of COVID-19 and other pandemics that have hit the world are largely to blame for the irresponsibility of states and their misguided policies to slow down climate change and the subsequent emergence of deadly pandemics.

In Venezuela, despite all the economic restrictions, these types of tests are still free because the state assumes all the costs.

 3 years ago  

The Nigeria govt also claims that the tests are free. However, for someone that needs the result on time, it may take weeks or even months to get tested and another period of time for the result to come out. Most people are consulting private labs for their tests.

 3 years ago  

The Nigeria govt also claims that the tests are free. However, for someone that needs the result on time, it may take weeks or even months to get tested and another period of time for the result to come out. Most people are consulting private labs for their tests.