
in StemSocial3 years ago


In the present pandemic lots of cases have risen about Covid patients getting infected by fungi like Mucormycosis (Black Fungus), yellow fungus, white fungus etc.

Mucor is one such fungus whose habitat is soil, bread and food material. It generally grows on sabouraud's dextrose agar as white cottony candy like growth and if we see its life cycle it undergoes vegetative, sexual and asexual reproduction.

The common clinical features seen in mucormycosis are rhinocerebral, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, etc.

And it causes opportunistic infections too.

The people who are at risk are ones with diabetes, burns, undergoing chemotherapy, etc.

In Covid patient clinical features were cutaneous spread which leads to necrotizing fasciitis in which the mortality is upto 80%.

So mainly mucormycosis is seen in severely immune compromised patients. Diagnosis is done by microscopy and culture and staining methods. Treatment includes complete removal of all infected tissues and early treatment with anti-fungal agents.

