2 Habits That Could Lead to Your Eyes Feeling Dry

in StemSocial6 months ago

Hi guys,

Count down to Christmas says 4 more days to go, Baby Jesus gets to be born during the weekend, while the majority of us would be home enjoying the Holidays and much more time from work but while we celebrate the birth of Christ we still ought to learn.

And yes, we ought to celebrate in moderation and do our best to be safe, because patterns tell that during these times, accident rates tend to increase as we have unprotected sex although this is just an outlier in what we have to discuss today.



Today I want to talk about some habits that we engage in consciously or unconsciously which could be the results of why we are always having dry eyes or experiencing that sensation of our eyes being dry, those burning sensations, and the unceasing tears.

If it interests you to know more and perhaps apply this to your life or aid that friend or neighbor of yours with this free knowledge which could do him or her a lot of good, then let's head straight to it, i hope you enjoy the read though.

Acts with Potential to cause Dry Eyes

  • Air Conditioned Environment

Research as well as my own experience as an Optometrist has shown that individuals who spend lots of hours in an air-conditioned environment tend to experience dry eyes a lot of time and that the severity depends on how long the habit has been going on the length of time they spend within this environment.

Individuals who drive with the AC get to the office and stay in the AC throughout the day, get back to the car with AC, and go back home to stay in an AC room would probably have severe cases of dry eye as compared to those that may only have this environment in their workplaces or in their cars or only in their homes. So if you wish to see some change in your condition in addition to the management your Optometrist is giving you, reduce your time spent in this environment. Let me know if it works for you.



  • Staying Under the Fan

Yeah, I know you probably could have guessed this one, I mean when people can't afford to dry their clothes outside for whatever reason they may be and they need them to dry up quickly they put them either under the fan or a place with lots of heat. The principle is to facilitate the evaporating process.

This can either be done with wind or with heat, so when one is always found sitting under the fan, probably at high speeds the rate at which their tears ought to dry up on their eyes is increased which means that if your basal tears ought to stay for at least 10 seconds on your eyes before it evaporates this time reduces and your eyes tend to suffer as a result.

And so if you are fond of this habit, please find another alternative that's safer for your eyes, if you are someone who can't tolerate heat and needs the fan all the time do not sit directly underneath, and perhaps do not keep it at the highest speed all the time and also do get yourself checked with the Optometrist if your eyes are already starting to feel dry. You may need lubrication.


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image by @nattybongo

Ok, folks, thus is what we have to learn for today, it is not much but it could do you a lot of good in aiding your chronic case of dry eyes if any of my readers tend to have dry eyes often and just realized that he or she falls within this category I would love to hear their feedback on how it worked out for them in making things better.

Until then, I wish you a great weekend coming up, Happy Holidays, and a Merry Christmas in advance, may your days be full of bliss, and cheers to life and goodness. See you soon in 2024. Mwah!

Further Reading

Barabino S, Labetoulle M, Rolando M, Messmer EM. Understanding Symptoms and Quality of Life in Patients With Dry Eye Syndrome. Ocul Surf. 2016 Jul;14(3):365-76. doi: 10.1016/j.jtos.2016.04.005. Epub 2016 May 17. PMID: 27224876.

Mohamed HB, Abd El-Hamid BN, Fathalla D, Fouad EA. Current trends in pharmaceutical treatment of dry eye disease: A review. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2022 Aug 1;175:106206. doi: 10.1016/j.ejps.2022.106206. Epub 2022 May 11. PMID: 35568107.

The management of dry eye. Drug Ther Bull. 2016 Jan;54(1):9-12. doi: 10.1136/dtb.2016.1.0378. PMID: 26763598..

Latkany R. Dry eyes: etiology and management. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2008 Jul;19(4):287-91. doi: 10.1097/ICU.0b013e3283023d4c. PMID: 18545008.


This is the first time I am getting to know that staying in an air-conditioned area can lead to dry eye and possible blindness. I am someone who spends most of my time in an air-conditioned environment and now it is getting me worried.

The chances of dry eye leading to blindness is extremely low, might never happen to anyone ever, unless in special cases like xerophthalmia which has its source from a different thing than what we discussed today and so do not get so worried, dry eye would most likely cause lots of discomfort but not blindness

 6 months ago  

Wow, more things to watch out for. Spending a lot of time in an air-conditioned environment or under the fan is all too common.

Yes and thus one of the reasons why Dry Eyes have a high prevalence in our contemporary society today

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