It is Ok to not be Ok - Be Proactive About Your Health, Welcome to 2024

in StemSocial5 months ago

Hello Y'all

And welcome to the year 2024, yes i have been away for a while, had to spend the Christmas away with the family and friends and you know how Christmas giving and all the fun takes you away from the blockchain for a while.

Whatever it may be, you know that i am never truly gone, it is always either job or other equally important activities that may have kept me away but hei, we are grateful for life and for the new year and i do wish for each and everyone of us a blessed year.


image by @nattybongo

May the year be full of good health for all of us, that said, we ought to keep staying healthy, learning and being the very best versions of ourselves without holding back against our own goodwill. And so for today that is what i seek to begin our year with.

We are going to discuss the issue of being proactive about our health, not holding back, not being afraid, going all out when it comes to our health because, it is better safe than sorry as it is always said and we ain't doing sorry this year, but safe.

It is ok to not be Ok

As far as life goes, it is only normal that every once in a while, perhaps in a blue moon we are bound to go the way of the abnormal in terms of anatomy and physiology, it is part of what makes us human, we cannot be at 100% at all times no matter how well we do in staying fit and all that.

There are going to be those down days when waking up becomes so difficult, when you feel depressed mentally, when you feel weak physically, when you lose that appetite to eat, when our blood pressure goes haywire, when things just seem to go wrong with the way our bodies are supposed to act and do things right.

When that happens, just know that you are not ok at that very particular point in time or in that moment, it is what we refer to as illness, or sickness, or not being well and there is a process one ought to follow to find a solution or remedy to get back to being the best form for the purposes of health and performance.


image by @nattybongo

This simple process is called seeking medical attention, you need to visit the hospital and see the general practictioer for care and if there is the need for a specialist you would be referred accordingly and do not be dismayed because if you do not take the initiative we would never really know what's going on, however as a wise man once said, knowing the problem is half the problem solved.

Why do i say this? A lot of times many patients let's the fear of the hospital keep them from doing the needful and seeking the necessary care, for some is the fear of needles should perhaps it be needed when they should go, for others is just the fear of weird diagnosis, for others some trauma or maybe superstitions of dead spirits lingering around hospitals or something, it could be anything, but hei that is not enough reason to risk your health.

And so for the year 2024, i want us all to have it as part of our resolution to be very proactive about our health, we shouldn't wait for it to be too late before we make a move, we should solve it before the problem arises and we would get to enjoy good health all year round.


And so i leave you with this, 2024 would be a year of great health for us all, for our science community i am hopeful that we discover amazing things through research and learning, moving forward and taking science and technology to the next level all the while protecting our health.

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image by @nattybongo

For what good is wealth, richness and all other things without good health. And so remember to stay safe, remember to eat well, remember to stay fit, remember to avoid taking drugs without care and remember to love your eyes always. It is such a pleasure to serve you. Cheers to the New year!. Love, Nat...


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