It is very OK to check Your Health even When all Feels Fine

in StemSocial8 months ago

Today's writeup is inspired by a patient of mine whom I met today, his ideologies about life and health, in general, were interesting, one that I felt would be fun to share with you all as a science community and elicit your thoughts on some of his schools of thought.


image by @nattybongo

I do understand that we all have different backgrounds and grew up differently, your geographical location growing up would have loads of influence on who you turn out to be as an individual as well as your thoughts and ideas about life and different subjects, not only your geographical location but many other factors such as family, church, doctrines, friends, experiences, etc.

And so whenever I have to deal with people I try to approach every perspective with an open mind so I do not find myself judging someone or misunderstanding them. So the question we are deliberating on today would be, "Is it good to check one's health or eyes when you know you are wonderful or may have been told by a doctor previously that you are good"?

It is very OK to check Your Health even When all Feels Fine

One thing about the human body is that it can change time, you may be very fine today and could literally be struggling to hold on to life the next day. It is such a funny and interesting world we live in and when you work in the health sector you get to appreciate the beauty of life in this regard.

When Doctors admonish us as individuals or patients or clients whichever category you would wish to use, it is not because they do not know what they are saying but because they know how sly some health conditions can be and how our bodies can mess up sometimes and just break down.


image by @nattybongo

The number of times regular checkups have saved lots of individuals from conditions they didn't even know they had is uncountable, I can testify to this with my patients, especially those who had been living with Glaucoma for many years and didn't even know they had the condition. They would have just lost their sight as they grew older and would probably end up complaining they were fine and a whole lot.

The other issue is that Doctors are also humans, the same way you are prone to errors, it is the same way we are also prone to errors although we make every effort to be highly thorough in our dealings with you as our patient knowing very well that your health, your sight and literally your life may be resting on our ability to diagnose you well and right and treat whatever needs to be treated.

That said, you should also know that we understand the principle of, "Do not fix what is not broken". Our goal is to ensure you are healthy and keep you healthy, so if you come to see us for care or a routine checkup and everything is fine, do not fear, we will be honest with you and you can go back to your routine or your life follow our education on how to continue to live your best.


And so it is very fine to check your health, your eyes, and the various anatomies to ensure they are functioning well and at the optimal level. Even if you feel you're very best, do not skip that routine checkup, do not skip that doctor's appointment, get yourself checked, and stay healthy.

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image by @nattybongo

Remember it is better safe than sorry, A checkup wouldn't kill you or harm you in any way, and that few minutes for those routine tests wouldn't cause you to lose much, but a hidden condition can cause you everything. So let's stay healthy, see the right professionals when in doubt, and avoid over-the-counter medication without proper care. Thanks for your time, and stay safe, Cheers!


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