The science contained in a plasma bulb

in StemSocial2 years ago


Greetings reader friend back with more science, well for this opportunity I took a simple plasma bulb from my house, something that I know as if it were a toy, but thanks to it our home lights up, I am interested in what science and technology keeps us simple bulb, at the time of being plasma is one of the best whiter and healthier technologies as developed technology, whether for artificial light, plasma TV, neon, argon, screens, it has a wide range developing this type of technology. Now, the fascinating thing about plasma is another state of matter, I was unaware of this at the level of physics and chemistry, as the fourth is closely related to gas, but that is what makes it very unique, it has properties of a gas constituted by charged particles of free ions, now well, when this is compressed and we bind them it moves freely, but there is also prescience within the long-range electromagnetic interactions between them, well I did not know this type of matter.


Even reader friend this state of matter, has been the basis for studying the origin of the universe and the celestial bodies, where the sun is included with greater example, handling or that is considered analyzing two elements one fluid state that, eye for In the case of gas, it is made up of charged particles forming a plasma, but thanks to the postulates it became known in the field of science, it is due to the physicist Irving Langmuir in 1928, thanks to his research and testing work using gas. ionized endowed with a high electrical conductivity, another example very unique reader friend in a natural way, is the one found in the ionosphere on our mother Earth, in a very dynamic way formed by an equal number of positive and negative charges.


The plasma frequency can be known, where it shows us the oscillations in reference to the displacement of all the electrons in one direction, within the place the plasma under study is contained.

Its behavior is determined by its conformation of electrons and ions, some examples of this case are how argon and neon are gases when compressed, generate an energy source which can have several species of ions within the plasma, including The Sun is a source of plasma energy with positive ionized molecules (cations) and they also have an electron where they provide a negative charge (anions). An important fact to know about plasma is its behavior according to its density because when the presence of a significant excess of charge density 0 is evident, it identifies it as non-neutral, but apart from my reader friends, I get excited when I discover very interesting new information such as the case, there are some lamps where its plasma technology is attributed to it, which is evidenced within this dust particle, they acquire high charges and interact with each other, this serves as a basis for study through the transformation of compressed gas into a complex plasma.


It must also be taken into account that within the plasma it is evident, where it is a question of understanding the thermal equilibrium, it is described by the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.


the science contained in a plasma bulb, its further development is thanks to Nikola Tesla, the fascinating thing about the case is Incandescent Electric Light", February 6, 1894, more than his imagination was made a reality, thanks to that stimulated a tube with high-frequency, high-voltage alternating current, applied from gases with low-pressure properties and driven by current, I finally understand how the development of this technology used in various things in our daily lives evolved, from a watch up to tv The greater the complexity of the case is that the plasma also has its moments of parameters, which shows us the conditions of the electrons inside the plasma and to know their intensities.

All images and gif were edited by my Samsung A23 phone

Bibliographical References

Plasma: the four states of matter by Teresa de los Arcos, 2011.

Plasmas everywhere by Adolfo Y. Hesiquio Ben-Tez Navarro, Silvia Bravo, 2003.



Cool , do you know what type of gas do they use?


Greetings, well, mention argon and neon, but especially "hydrogen argon" (H-35), due to its ability to develop a lot of energy by the excitation of ions to produce a high temperature, also as a luminous filler gas up to point of producing argon laser, in the case of neon it produces a reddish orange light, it is also used to manufacture high voltage indicators, this can also be obtained in liquid form in the form of cryogenic refrigerants. Oxygen also has the behavior of plasma, used in fusion energy by applying two stimulus discharges to two electrodes.


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 2 years ago  

That's a great way to introduce the topic. I would not have thought about it. As a side remark, we can add that as another example of plasma, we should definitely quote auroras. Also, it is interesting to mention that most visible matter in the universe exists under the form of plasmas.


Thank you for your valuable input on this topic.

 2 years ago  

You're welcome!

PS: I got your message on Twitter, but didn't find the time yet to answer.

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