in StemSocial5 months ago


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Exactly three years now I became free from depression and anxiety thanks to the exercise I engaged in, during those years of depression I was just like a walking ghost I had no friends, abandon family, most annoying colleagues and the most annoying self esteem I was so down and hated life for just everything, it was as if nothing was working in my life like everything was working against me. My mental state was going wild like wild ddd... I think of everything and nothing how I entered or got to this level I can't tell, at a point in those periods the thought of leaving this world was next to non like on a daily constant basis I have always thought that would settle the whole happenings in my life then. Even though I never attempted it, the thoughts were endless and ever coming. I even went into antidepressants medication but it wasn't even helping matters well I continued struggling with it until one morning I woke up and my mind suggested I go for jogging I woke up that morning feeling do dejected and I said to myself why not go for a jog and pretend as if am running away from my problems.

I started a daily routine of running and jogging every morning. Did it help my case??

Yes of course.... I noticed I stopped thinking more on my problems when am running, I felt more relief and happy after each run

Since I started seeing improvement in my state, I decided to hit the gym house properly and then there was a huge change and improvement in my mental state and health. Today I decided to make a research to know what really happened and this is what I found out


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√ Takes your mind off worries - The moment you started exercising automatically your mind goes off from your worries your energy is focus on something else there's a relief of stress your mind seems to relax

√ It release endorphins that makes you feel good and gives you happiness of hear and when you're happy,you will definitely forget what brings depression your way

√ It helps you gain confidence, exercise has its way of restoring your self confidence and esteem, that joy you get when you accomplished your set goal or limit in your exercise work can boost your self confidence

√ Gets you more social interaction During the 2nd week of my constant morning jogging I met a friend who really helped me alot to get over that stage of depression I began to interact with people I began to see life in another different perspective life began making more meaning to me.


Exercise helps increase your level of serotonin and dopamine which are natural chemicals in the brain that helps in mood regulations so when exercise more often your mood shifts from negative to positive accomplishment.

It also helps improve sleep quality when you sleep your height of thinking and worrying reduces and your energy level increases, it also reduces stress.

Aside from helping in depression, exercise has many health benefits ranging from diabetes management, cardiovascular health improvement, weight maintenance, makes heart muscle to be strong, helps to reduce the chance of coronary heart disease, makes you look for and stable.

Create a daily exercise routine for yourself and enjoy the beauties of life and nature




Exercising is important, I once read about it helping out with depression and I accept the fact that it works out a lot too.

Yes it's really important even in our mental and physical state

Exercise is nice, for me i don't play with it, not only cure for depression but helps alot in maintaining and keeping the body strong.

That's very good of you, the benefits of exercise is endless