in StemSocial5 months ago (edited)


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Hello everyone, you all are welcome to my blog. A true pregnancy journey is never a simple nor easy journey which women endanger themselves just to give birth and to fulfill their womanhood.

Pregnancy is a journey that's last for approximately 40 weeks and it is roughly divided into trimesters, during pregnancy a lot of dramatic changes exist sometimes before the woman would realize that she is already pregnant, therefore I strongly believe that they should be an adequate nutrients for women who are trying to conceive or already pregnant.

Now for a very good and smooth healthy pregnancy, pregnant women need more calories, about 300 calories daily attached with both micro and macro nutrients than they have been having before being pregnant.

There is a need to strongly emphasize on their nutrients which must be greatly balanced and must contain confirm (balance diet) which can be found in vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, fish and even added sugar with a big reduction in anything related to red blood meat just to ensure the safety of the mother and child and as well to reduce the risk of pregnancy complications such as hypertension. And with healthy balanced diet it will also helps in reduction of nausea and constipation.

•Taking enough water is an important and a very vital part which every pregnant woman must ensure that she takes at least a minimum of 1 liter of water everyday and to lessen hand in taking of sugary foods and food made of caffeine.

•Every pregnant woman must ensure that she restricts herself from taking any form of alcoholic or strong drink for the safety of the baby and that of the mother.

•There should be enough vegetables in the diet of every pregnant woman which includes fresh tomatoes, pumpkin, carrot and food which contains vitamin A.

•Enough macronutrients are necessarily needed because they tend to give or supply to the body of the pregnant women enough energy and calories which includes protein, carbohydrate and fat.

•A pregnant woman must be concerned with the type of fatty food which she takes, but must indulge in food which contains calcium and potassium.

•A pregnant woman must strongly engage in the intake of fruits which includes bananas, apples, oranges ,grapes, and pawpaw for the well-being of the mother and the unborn baby.

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•A pregnant woman is allowed to partake in eating grains foods like cooked rice, millet or sorghum.

•Most importantly protein is vital in the body of every pregnant woman because it goes a long way in nourishing the body which includes beans, cocoyam , peas.

• Vitamins are essential in the body of a pregnant woman in helping to nourish pregnant women's skin and for the bone growth of the baby.

• Other vitamins which are needed in the body of a pregnant woman still include Vitamin c,vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin B and still many of them.

Inasmuch as pregnant women take all these nutritional requirements there are still foods one must ensure that as a pregnant woman that she removes herself from which includes.

•It is advisable that every pregnant woman keeps away from unpasteurized type of food
•Avoidance of raw and uncooked food is very essential in the health of every pregnant woman for the safety of the baby and the mother.
•There must be a reduction in the intake of refrigerated drinks and meat so as to enhance the safety of the baby.

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Every pregnancy is a journey that one has to embrace with joy but must take vital precautions so as to ensure the safety of the baby and herself. This can only be possible when the woman in position ensures that he takes all the noted instructions from her doctor and all the important nutritional requirements so as to live healthy and as well deliver safely.