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RE: For science and peace

in StemSocial2 years ago

As a scientist, I decided today to stop all collaborations with any scientist working for a Russian institute. Additionally, I decided to refuse to write any referee report on any scientific manuscript or project in which Russian institutes are involved

I salute your courage sir. If everyone of us who feel the pang of the Ukrainians, will do what we can at our level to bring an end to this assault, peace will return to the troubled country sooner than we think but if we fold our hands helplessly, I am afraid, things can only get worse. We cannot wish away trouble, we must do what we can to put it out.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for passing by and commenting out this blog!

I would like to mention that we cannot really call what I did "being courageous". The people in Ukraine are courageous. Russian showing publicly their disapproval of Putin are courageous. I only made a few public statements and signed a few petitions. That's easy compared with what locals did and are doing.

But yes, we must do as much as we can with the means that are ours.