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RE: Financing Eye Care in Ghana, Can Hive Make Lives Better for the Deprived?

A very good read. Your style is informative, and entertaining. I am curious to learn more about Ghana and it’s government. Do you have a lot of tourism? What are the main industries there? Are there western NGO there? I wonder how I could collect glasses here and get them there economically? I am in the Pacific Ocean: Hawaii.


Hello @shortsegments,

Glad you liked my writeup and i am glad it was informative and entertaining for you. Well, Ghana do have loads of tourist attraction sites that could keep one going for as long as they wish if their purpose for visiting is only tourism and culture. From the popular Kakum National Park in the Central region to the Mole National Park in the Northern region, there are beautiful scenes to enjoy.

Lots of water falls, castles commemorating the history of slave trade along the coastal areas, largest man made lake in west africa, the lake bosomtwe which is believed to have been created by a meteor etc. For industries i can speak of the Kente making firms which are mostly owned and led by the locals, there are the big firms like the oil refineries and the likes though but those seem to be a normal thing that cuts across all countries so..

Yes there are western NGOs around, i see some helping and impacting lives every now and then although they ain't around as they used to previously. Getting glasses from Hawaii to Ghana i believe could easily be done using the Ghana post or post services which may be available at your end and at a cheaper rate for transport.

I think years back when fundition was helping my project impact lives through the distribution of free glasses targeted at presbyopia and refractive errors, someone sent us a package like that to aid our work however i do not recall the means by which he did it.

Hi @nattybongo
Thank you for the information on Ghana tourism. I will ask the Local ngo and the post office about shipping costs.


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