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RE: Matte white walls and the dark reflection

in StemSocial4 years ago

We were planning on putting in a false floor, but we have been told we "aren't allowed" as there can be issues with mold, as there is no insulation beneath the concrete floor now - just mud it seems. We have the power in our herating systm for water heating it - but I was thinking about trialling an IR heater in the meantime.

When AI does come for us we will be unlikely to see its approach.

I think we are already failing as the intuition for the danger isn't there. Most people I talk to think that I am crazy -while they watch another Netflix show and order another product from Amazon - thinking the decision is theirs.


You definitely do not want to create a mold hazard, at least there are other options, and then maybe a future date for an in floor system.

The advertising bots have learned a lot, and all the microphones built into everything, always listening, and then showing you the latest product you and a friend were discussing in walking life not on line via chat or e-mail. Of course it is all coincidence Google and Microsoft and all the smart phones would not spy on you.

I think that the hazard is quite low and there are materials to mitigate risk further, but at least here, people are not keen to attempt it. We might have to lay a thin veneer of concrete anyway, as the surface is so uneven in some places.

"It is all coincidence" - Just keep repeating this over and over and everything will be fine. :)