Getting to Know Poultry Animals: Definition, Characteristics and Types

in StemSocial11 months ago

|Getting to Know Poultry Animals: Definition, Characteristics and Types|

Maybe we have often heard and are familiar with the designation of poultry animals. But not a few of us also do not know more about poultry. What does that mean? what kind of animals are included? and what are the characteristics?

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agriculture, in Indonesia is one of the countries with the owner of the largest diversity of fauna in the world. One of them is the animal type of poultry or aves. A total of 9,040 species of birds have been recorded in the world, 1,531 of which are found in Indonesia with 397 species.

Poultry is an ecosystem component that has an important role in supporting the life cycle of organisms. This situation can be seen from the food chains and webs of life that form their life systems with other ecosystem components such as plants in agricultural land and insects.

Get to know about Poultry Animals

fowl means winged, two-legged, beaked and feathered animals, which include all kinds of birds, can be kept as pets and raised for food production.

can also be interpreted as a group of animals that have a backbone (vertebrates), have feathers that cover almost all parts of their body and are still part of the bird family.

These birds also include animals that can be bred and then benefited, whether it's their singing or their voices, their meat, their feathers, their eggs or something else.

In general, most animals of this type do have a body shape like chickens and ducks. Usually poultry animals are often used as livestock or pets. Because this type of animal is easy to care for and is a productive animal.

So that we can distinguish animals that are classified as poultry animals from animals that are not classified as poultry animals:

Usually have hair that covers the body. Birds have a heart with four chambers: right ventricle, left ventricle, right atrium and left atrium. Most birds breathe using lungs. However, there are some poultry that have a breathing apparatus, namely an air sac, to help them fly. In general, reproduce by way of ovipar (laying eggs). The method of fertilization is by internal fertilization. Included in the class of animals that are warm-blooded or homoiothermic. In general, have locomotion organs in the form of a pair of legs and a pair of wings. Although there are some birds that can not fly. This is because those that cannot fly do not have air pockets on their wings.

Types of Animals Included in the Poultry Category

Chicken is one of the poultry animals that has various types in its species. These types are even scattered in all corners of the world. Even in some areas, chickens have unique feather shapes and colors.

Quoting from katadata, there are about 175 types of chickens grouped into 12 classes and about 60 breeds. As farm animals, chickens breed in human habitat.

Wild chickens live in tropical bushland and forests. Due to the diversity of species, many chickens are bred for their benefits to meet human needs such as meat and eggs for consumption.

The Maleo bird is a medium-sized fowl, about 55 cm in length, large in the body and smaller in the head, with the dominant color being black and white on the chest.

The large body and small head function when Maleo rests, also when hiding in the ground from predators. Its feet are hoofed and webbed, but not for swimming but for scratching the ground. But the quickest and easiest feature to recognize it is its shiny black skull.

turkey is the name for two species of birds that have a large body size. This animal belongs to the galliformes family of the genus meleagris. The female turkey species is smaller in size than the male species, and does not have color variations on its body.

Wild turkeys are one of the animals that are hunted in North America. However, this type of turkey is not the same as the turkeys that we often encounter.

Swan is a type of bird that lives in water which has a large size, this animal comes from the genus Cygnus. This bird is the largest animal in the Anatidae family.

At the same time one of the largest birds that can swim and can also fly.

Ducks are a type of all-eating bird that is almost the same as the shape of a goose. The difference between geese and ducks is the shape and neck. The swan's neck is visually longer than that of a duck.

On the feet, ducks have the same membrane as geese which functions to maintain stability when ducks are in muddy areas or in water areas.

Quails have a medium body size and even tend to be small in stature. Quail is a land fowl that is small but has a fat stomach.

In general, quail is one of the animals that are classified as grain-eating animals. Apart from grain eaters, quail also eat insects or other small animals.

Tinamus animal is one of the birds belonging to the neotropical group in Indonesia. The largest population of thymanus is in Central America, South America and Southern Mexico.

Tinamus has the characteristics of a rather large body, a slender neck and a beak that is short and curved downwards. This animal has the main habitat in the trees, by perching.

In our country, this animal is the animal that is mostly used as livestock or pets. To be used for meat and eggs because it has a high protein content.

Tiktok is the result of cross-breeding between male ducks and female ducks. This marriage process occurs not because of natural processes. However, on purpose by humans to produce a new species.

Tiktok animals have long been known to some parts of the world, including Indonesia. But in Indonesia, the result of cross-breeding male ducks with female ducks is called Serati.

Thank You somuch
By @torrenegra