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RE: I started a Python programming course for beginners

in StemSocial2 years ago

This looks so fascinating. I'm feeling a bit intimidated since my math skills are more than rusty and my last programming language was AMOS, but I'll try out Sololearn this evening. Huge thanks for making this post!


Awesome! Give it a try and tell me how it goes. Which language are you going for?

Python just like you. When you're a complete beginner, the best course of action is to imitate people who are way wiser.

Finished three lessons so far, then it turned out that my math skills aren't just rusty, they're an entire scrapyard. So I run out of hearts making stupid mistakes, but I'll sure take another approach tomorrow. The way the app is designed looks very promising. So yeah, thanks again, I owe you big.

lol the hearts can be annoying. I've only ran out a few times but I had those weird points I could refill them with. You get them at the end of lessons sometimes. Think it costs around 20 to refill.