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RE: For science and peace

in StemSocial2 years ago (edited)

Good things can happen in any field where people communicate with each other on a personal level. It can happen in science, business, travel and even religion.

People who develop relations across borders are often in a position to ease tensions on both sides of the border.

Each of the subjects that I mentioned is a double-edged sword. People who use these disciplines to concentrate power can created intractable divisions that lead to war.

Science, in and of itself, does not lead to peace any more than religion, in and of itself, lead to peace.

One has to look at the way that things are applied.

Moreover, my colleagues are probably among the best informed people in Russia as they have access to external sources of information. They are those standing up against the current regime, and need to be supported.

Scientists are often the agents of peace because they are informed. A good scientists understands both the benefits and dangers of modern technologies and actively pursue the best use of technologies.

The tendency of the scientific community towards peace comes from the character of the scientist.


 2 years ago  

Science, in and of itself, does not lead to peace any more than religion, in and of itself, lead to peace.

This is true. The shortcut I took is probably abusive. Science only contributes in the way it may help different people to know each other better. And this contribution to peace is probably (very) small. It is however non zero (at least in my opinion).

Scientists are often the agents of peace because they are informed. A good scientists understands both the benefits and dangers of modern technologies and actively pursue the best use of technologies.
The tendency of the scientific community towards peace comes from the character of the scientist.

Additionally, I must admit that the big game changer is definitely what you raised at the end of your previous comment. I didn't think about it initially, but it is true that a (good) scientist can assess pros, cons and the global situation from the very nature of their job.

Thanks for your valuable replies to this post!