Helping new members to understand the SEEDS ecosystem

in La Ruche3 years ago


The SEEDS community is using Discord as a main tool to communicate.
As the community is becoming bigger and bigger, everybody agree that Discord is not adapted to what we are doing but there is no consensus for a new tool!

As an old (4 years) user of Hive, I am starting a SEEDS' Faq on Hive. And probably a SEEDS community on Hive, soon.
You are welcome to ask questions here.
Or to dig yourself into the SEEDS ecosystem:


As a follow up question to the one around my contribution points. What is the difference between the Contribution Score and the Reputation Score and how do they relate to one another?

I saw in my SEEDS Passport that my contribution points went up from 32 to 49. I am exciting but don't really know what that means. Can you explain what I can do to increase my contribution points even more? And also why is it good to have a high contribution score? Many thanks 🙌

Can you explain what happens with my Seeds when I have planted them and is there a time to harvest?

I love the idea that a currency can support nature and the community. It's all about trust and leaving our planet better than we found it.

Everyone in SEEDS was talking a lot about New Moon. What is all the talk about and why does the moon matter?

Another question I have is, what are the different ways to receive Seeds when you are new to SEEDS (as a visitor)?

Can you tell me more about the SEEDS onboarding process? I am a visitor now. How is that different from being a resident or a citizen (aka SEEDizen)?

Who are the SEEDs founders and what was their motivation for building a regenerative economy?

Here is a wonderful text about changing the world: !

I understand the SEEDs Passport is in the Telos blockchain. How and why is Telos different from other blockchains?

This is such a good comparison. Easy to read for everyone new to the world of blockchains and digital currencies.

greetings @chrisaiki,
the discord tool is a great tool, but if the community is very active it loses some functionality, good article

Yours, Piotr