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RE: Matière noire - avantages et conséquences d'une modélisation simplifiée

in La Ruche2 years ago

and to add, I think the general "problem" is just how complicated the world is! It is super tough for the human mind/brain to wrap its head around this world we find ourselves in. I sometimes feel we only really understand 1% (at best) of nature and much of the rest could be too difficult for us to really comprehend. And then there are the thousands of papers in one's field that one has to "read" in order to stay on top of things which is basically also an impossible task (again the time argument). Perhaps artificial intelligence could be one of the next steps to really gain greater insight?


Machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques are already widely used, but more to solve specific problems and not to get a general knowledge of a field (from what I know as this is a bit far from my zone of comfort).