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RE: Covid-19 lockdown day 21 – the looting has escalated in South Africa

in COVID-194 years ago

We have total alcohol bans here and people getting very antsy since yesterday when the Thai government's promised "5,000 a month for 3 months" handout was withdrawn to a 1-off payment which many still have not received. I, personally, will be down to my last $20 after I pay my staff tomorrow. Yikes! So it's working hard online in the coming days. Yes, I expect we will see social unrest and looting here soon also - the Old City of Chiang Mai has daily queues for soup kitchens that are in excess of 2km long.


I'm with you there buddy, down to the last few dollars and then penniless. The Great Depression is arriving really fast this time around. Hectic the soup kitchen lines. I loved visiting Thailand in 2017, even as a Farang lol. Buddhism really appeals, although I'm a Hindu, which is the same source. And I love beaches. But I fear life will never be the same again anywhere on the planet.