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RE: US Doctor Shows How Immune System is Compromised in Patient After 2nd COVID Shot. Left With HIV Like Immune Profile. (Censored on Youtube).

in COVID-193 years ago

I'm really scared for my parents, I tried talking them out of taking the vaccine but they insisted that it's safe...they took the first dose, and now my mum keeps complaining of severe joints and waist pain. Though I'm not yet certain if the symptoms are related to the shot she took, but I just can't ignore the coincidence... Please @ura-soul if you have any link to possible effects of the vaccine, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.


Statistically, the majority of people who use the shots seem to be ok so far, but the more shots people have as 'boosters' (which make no sense at all since they cannot even target the most common variants currently circulating), the more they increase the risk of harm to self.

The only public data available that I am aware of regarding the details of adverse reactions comes from the tracking databases run by various governments. I have made a few posts on these in recent months - this is one on the US VAERS Database which has a link to the medalert system which lets you search the VAERS database to see what has been reported regarding the COVID shots.

Primarily, the concerning results involve:

  • Central Nervous System - Memory loss, tremors, confusion and worse leading to death in some cases.
  • Circulatory system and heart - Blood clots, aneurysms, heart attacks and probably strokes.
  • General COVID symptoms and respiratory issues.

Unfortunately, it looks a lot like people who get sick from the shots are being logged as COVID cases, which totally warps the situation even further.

I recommend checking out the other recent post I made about Niacin as it is said to be effective at helping people post vaccination as well as those who are sick with COVID:

I wish you all well!

Thanks so much, I really appreciate you taking out the time to share this information, will definitely go through it.

I felt really bad today after going to get a blood drawn at a lab for a yearly physical and there was a 81 year old lady there telling the receptionist checking her in that they would have to draw blood out of her other arm because they gave her her first shot of the vaccine and her arm was in pain. She said she was suppose to go get her second shot tomorrow but wanted first to figure out why she was in so much pain. The receptionist told her her arm was sore for a few days after her shot to which the old lady replied this wasn't something that had ever happened to her before after getting a vaccine this was so bad her doctor has her on pain medication. I so wanted to get up and go over and tell her not to get the other vaccine until they figured it out but I though maybe that's why she was there, maybe her doctor did send her for a blood drawn to see if something wasn't right. That on top of I didn't want to cause a conflict, there was a report in the local paper of people being embroiled in heated debates among medical workers at the hospitals. The article was written more as a blame the victim type of article with a doctor talking about it to the press stating he felt a lot of this was coming from the politicization of the issue and people were polarized. I wrote a comment in the blog section that it works both ways, refusing alternative treatments and telling people they are going to die because they didn't get vaccinated is participating also in the politicization and polarizing of the issue. If people really are dying what's the harm? It should be less than 4 to 5 percent of people who are to far gone for any help at all according to the majority of the studies, I've seen some study results that show a 98 percent success rate with severe cases. I don't know it keeps bothering me, her doctor shouldn't allow her to get another vaccine without figuring out why he has to put her on pain medications for getting a vaccine, hopefully he holds off.

it is understandable to have empathy for others who are suffering and we inherently know that medical doctors are not gods.

I pray so too